Chapter 5 Annotated

Three months of living happily together, Lee and Jinxx were quite busy planning their wedding.

“So babe, band or D.J. for the wedding?” Jinxx asked.

“Hm, I don’t know. Which do you prefer?” Lee questioned back, “You do realize that there’s still Coronavirus running around.”

Jinxx nodded gently, “I know there’s still Covid around, Lee, but it’s our wedding we’re talking about here.”

Lee got up from the couch, her smile turning into a look of worry, “I’ll be right back, Jinxx,” she told him before running off to the bathroom, and slamming the door.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jinxx heard Lee call him from the bathroom. Jinxx got up from the couch quickly, and stormed up the stairs, and to the bathroom door.

Opening the door very slowly, Jinxx found Lee on the bathroom floor, sobbing.

“Lee, what’s wrong?” Jinxx asked as he kneeled down next to Lee.

“I really didn’t want to tell you this until after our wedding, but I guess there’s no point in keeping it from you now,” Lee told him through broken sobs.

“What Lee?” Jinxx asked, sitting on his knees, hugging Lee.

"Babe, I'm-" Lee sighed and attempted to calm down as she forced herself to complete the sentence, "I'm... pregnant."

Jinxx stared at Lee in disbelief. There was no way that he believed her, and she didn't expect him to.

"It's yours," she looked up, hoping he wouldn’t be mad, "I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, I- I didn't think that you would take the news too kindly."

Jinxx sighed, “How far?” he asked in his stern, almost angry voice.

“Only a month, Jinxx. I know I should have told you right when I found out, but I was scared,” Lee replied, as she started crying again.

Jinxx sighed again, “Okay,” the anger dropping from his voice, “It’s okay. I understand.”

Lee wiped away her tears and looked up at Jinxx, who had gotten up from the floor, “Y-you’re not mad?”

“No, I’m not mad,” Jinxx told her, “I’m just a little shocked, that’s all.”

Lee got up and hugged Jinxx, relieved that he didn’t take it too harshly, “I love you,” Lee said.

“I love you too,” Jinxx whispered to Lee, “Just tell me text time, okay?”

“Okay, Jinxx,” Lee told him, “I’m still sorry I didn’t tell you.”

Jinxx lifted Lee’s chin with his index and middle finger, forcing her to look at him, “Babe, it’s okay. Don’t keep apologizing. I forgive you, Lee.”

Lee nodded, “Well, can we at least get out of the bathroom, Jinxx?” she asked, as she gave Jinxx another hug.

Jinxx nodded as he picked Lee up, walked out of the bathroom, down the stairs, and back to the couch.

“Now, before that shock of I’m now going to be a father, would you care to talk about our wedding?” Jinxx asked, as he placed Lee on the couch.

Lee nodded, “Where did we leave off on, babe?”

“We left off on the topic of Band or D.J., Lee,” Jinxx replied, sitting down next to her, and grabbing his notebook.

“Hmm. How about a D.J. for the music. What about my dress?” Lee asked, as she looked up at Jinxx in worry, “I don’t want anyone to know yet.”

“No one has to know yet,” Jinxx replied.

“But Jinxx. Whenever we do get married, I’m going to have that baby bump. How are you going to explain that?” Lee asked, her attitude showing in full force.

“We won’t, we just simply put it in God's hands,” Jinxx said as he pointed upwards.

Lee looked at Jinxx with a very unamused face, “Give me your car keys. I need to get away for a bit.”

“You shouldn’t drive while you’re pregnant,” Jinxx said with a stern voice.

“I shouldn’t drive while pregnant? I’m only a month, Jinxx! What harm could it do?!” Lee asked, pretty much yelling at him.

Jinxx held onto Lee’s chin, barely letting her speak and turn her head, “I’m not letting you go out there alone, I’m coming with you,” Jinxx said with a much more stern voice.

Lee inhaled sharply, “I was just going to go shopping for a little bit. There is a Hot Topic a few blocks down. I want to go, and I do want to go alone, Jinxx. What do you think’s gonna happen?”

“That’s the thing, I don’t know what could happen out there, like I said, I’m coming with you,” Jinxx said, letting go of Lee’s chin.

“Alright, alright, fine. Come with me. See if I care. I just wanted a few dresses from there anyway. It is Spring, you know. It’s dress season for me,” Lee spat out, as she got up.

Jinxx grabbed his car keys as they both walked out to the car. A few minutes later, they both arrived in the parking lot of the local Hot Topic.

“I’m going in there by myself, Jinxx. Stay here,” Lee told him as she began to open her door.

“Okay,” Jinxx said, throwing his hands into the air.

After about five minutes later, Lee returned with an armload of bags. She threw them in the backseat, and slid into the passenger's seat.

“I’m alive, Jinxx,” Lee told him, her attitude showing again.

Jinxx sighed as he looked at Lee, “I don’t want to fight with you, Lee. I’m just trying to keep you safe in this world. You understand, right? I love you, and I always will.”

Lee looked over at Jinxx, and saw his blue eyes filling with tears, “I’m sorry, Jinxx. I don’t know what came over me. I guess it was just the stress of the wedding. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you cry. You’re my everything, and the thought of you being hurt upsets me!”

Jinxx sighed again, “I forgive you. Just please, no more arguing. It’s too much stress. On you, and the baby.”

Jinxx then gently placed his right hand on Lee’s stomach, and looked over at her. Lee smiled at him, and placed her hand on his.

“I love you, Jinxx. I’m still sorry for fighting with you. If you want to leave me, then you can. I’m just a burden to you,” Lee told him, her head dropping.

Jinxx removed his hand from Lee’s stomach, and started the car, “Lee, don’t ever say that. You’re perfect to me. When we get home, I want to do something nice for you, okay? And I love you too, Lee.”

After a few minutes, Jinxx and Lee returned home. It took two trips out to the car, but finally, Lee brought in every single bag, and sat them in front of the downstairs closet.

Lee collapsed on the couch with a quick exhale, “I should not have bought all those dresses,” she announced with another exhale.

“How long until your first ultrasound, Lee?” Jinxx asked from the kitchen.

“Well, since I’m only a month, I think I have to be six weeks,” Lee replied, pulling out her computer, “Let me check really fast.”

Lee then confirmed that she had to be six weeks pregnant to get her first ultrasound.

“So in about two weeks, I get to drive you to your doctor’s office, right?” Jinxx asked, walking over to Lee on the couch.

Lee nodded, “Yeah. I do have to call there pretty soon to schedule an appointment though. I’m still surprised you didn’t take it too harshly. I love you for it though.”

“I love you too, Lee. It’s getting pretty late, do you want me to start dinner so we can go to bed?” Jinxx asked, kissing Lee on the top of her head.

Lee nodded as Jinxx got up to make dinner after asking her what she wanted. She told him she wanted something simple.

After a few minutes in the kitchen, Jinxx brought out two plates of spaghetti and sat one down on Lee’s lap.

“You wanted something simple, and this is all I can offer,” Jinxx told her before starting on his plate.

A few minutes later, both Lee and Jinxx finished their dinner. They both decided on a movie to watch together, after the movie choice was decided, Lee started cuddling with Jinxx, trying her best not to worry about her doctor’s appointment.

About halfway through the movie, Lee fell asleep in Jinxx’s arms. Jinxx quietly chuckled to himself, turned the television off, gently picking Lee up, he brought her to their bedroom for some well-deserved sleep. After Lee was put to bed, Jinxx rounded the bed, and went to sleep as well.

Chapter 5 Q&A

Who wrote Chapter 5's ?

Chapter 5 was written by Morgan (Non-Music) & London (Rock) 🥀 & ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

Who produced Chapter 5's ?

Chapter 5 was produced by ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

When did ⛧Andi Malus⸸ release Chapter 5?

⛧Andi Malus⸸ released Chapter 5 on Sun Oct 11 2020.

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