Chapter 4 Annotated

The next morning, Lee woke up to an empty bed, so she went to find her boyfriend. After searching every room in the house twice, Jinxx was nowhere to be found.
Before her thoughts were overrun with memories of her recent dreams, Jinxx walked through the front door with a small bag of groceries in his hand. Jinxx sat the groceries down at the threshold, and removed his mask.

Lee walkеd over to him and instantly started crying.

“Missed you too,” Jinxx said, wrapping Lee in a hug.

“Whеre did you go, Jinxx?” Lee asked, calming down.

“I went to get groceries while you were asleep,” Jinxx said, looking totally confused.

Lee smiled faintly as she broke the hug, grabbing the groceries, and took them into the kitchen.

After putting away the groceries, Lee found a record, and put it in her record player.

“Babe remember? This is our song,” Lee said as she walked over to him.

Jinxx smiled gently as he walked over to Lee, and started dancing with her.

After the record finished playing, Jinxx and Lee sat down on the couch, and started watching a movie of Jinxx’s choice.
Lee knew Jinxx liked Horror movies, and would watch them every day, and that’s what he chose to watch.

A few minutes into the movie, Lee clutched onto Jinxx’s neck in fear. Jinxx felt sorry for Lee, and turned the movie off.

“It’s okay, Lee,” Jinxx told her, “I turned it off. I don’t want you getting scared.”

“Thank you, Jinxx,” Lee whispered.

Jinxx smiled gently at Lee, and got up from the couch. He then walked up the stairs into their bedroom.

Lee wondered what Jinxx was doing, and was about to go check on him until Jinxx walked back down the stairs with something in his arms.

“I got you something while I was on tour. I hope you like it,” Jinxx told Lee as he handed her the present.

Lee smiled as she took the gift from Jinxx’s hands, and opened it with a smile on her face. As soon as she looked down at the item in the box, she gasped, her hand covering her mouth to keep from crying.

“Jinxx. Thank you. I’ve been wanting this for months now,” Lee said, looking up at Jinxx.

Jinxx chuckled and sat down next to Lee, “I saw that when I was on tour, and I instantly thought of you. Besides, I know how much you like Jack Skellington anyway.”

Lee removed the Jack Skellington figure from the box, sat it down on the table, and gave Jinxx a hug. She then gave Jinxx a quick kiss and then another hug before turning her attention back to the Jack Skellington figure.

“Jinxx, it’s so life-like!” Lee exclaimed as she held the figurine in her hands.

Jinxx nodded, “It was the only one they had at the store. If I didn’t buy it right there, then someone else would have gotten it. Plus I know you’ve been begging me to get you one for months now. You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

Lee hugged Jinxx, figurine still in hand.

Jinxx returned the hug and chuckled, “Since when did you become a hugger, Lee? That’s like the fourth hug today.”

“Well maybe I just want to give you hugs today,” Lee said.

Jinxx chuckled again, pulling Lee in for another hug, and a slight kiss on the top of her head, “And there’s nothing wrong with that. Is there?”

“Not that I know of,” Lee said with a smile.

“Well, I’ll let you admire my gift, while I start working on something,” Jinxx said, booping Lee on the nose. Jinxx then stood up, and started to walk to his office to practice his musical skills.

Lee smiled at Jinxx as he left, and decided to go see what he was working on. A few minutes later, Lee quietly walked into Jinxx’s office, and sat down on one of his many stage amps.

Jinxx turned around to plug his guitar in, and saw Lee sitting on his amp, eager for him to play.

“So what are you going to play?” Lee asked with excitement.

“Hmm. I don’t know yet. What do you want to hear me play, baby?” Jinxx asked, leaning over his guitar.

“Play 'Rebel Love Song' for me,” Lee suggested.

Jinxx chuckled as he got comfortable in his chair, “As you wish,” he told her and began to play.

“Are you gonna sing it as well?” Jinxx asked, stopping after he messed up.

Lee chuckled breathly, and nodded as Jinxx resumed playing.

“My outlaw eyes have seen their lies. I choke on all they had to say. When worlds collide what's left inside. I hold on tight and hear you pray!” Lee stopped singing to take a breath, and to go grab some water from the kitchen.

When Lee returned, Jinxx had finished the song and was about to start on another one.

“Hey baby. You missed me playing 'Rebel Love Song'. I thought I was doing pretty good too,” Jinxx said, leaning over his guitar.

Lee giggled, “Babe, you always do good playing guitar. You’re amazing at it. Besides, you can’t expect me to sing with a dry throat. Now can you?”

Jinxx nodded, “Fair enough. If I play any more songs, I want you to sing them. You’re a great singer, baby.”

“That is the nicest thing anyone’s ever told me, Jinxx. Thank you,” Lee told him, nearly crying.

“Well you deserve to be treated with respect, baby,” Jinxx began, removing his guitar from his lap, “One day, I’m going to prove that, too. Because one day, I’m gonna put a ring on your finger, and we’ll be happy together.”

Lee smiled at Jinxx, and looked down at her left hand, “I’ve always wanted to get married. But I was always afraid that I would never meet the right guy.”

Jinxx placed two fingers under Lee’s chin, forcing her to look at him, “Baby. I want to do something nice for you today. Go get cleaned up, and find something nice to wear. I’ve got a surprise for you.” Jinxx then gave Lee a very passionate kiss before he helped her up, and out of his office.

Lee smiled as she got up from Jinxx’s amp, and walked up the stairs to their bedroom. While Lee was getting ready, Jinxx slipped outside, and threw something in his car, before walking back inside and going to find a better change of clothes as well.

“Babe,” Jinxx called from the top of the stairs after Lee had already gotten changed, “Where’s my hat?”

“Which hat? You have so many,” Lee questioned back.

“My black top hat,” Jinxx said.

“Oh, have you checked the closet? I think I saw it in there,” Lee replied.

Jinxx raised his eyebrow in question, “I already looked there. What are you holding behind your back?”

“Nothing,” Lee told him, blushing.

Jinxx smiled as he started walking down the stairs, “Lee. Give me my hat.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lee said smiling.

Jinxx made it down to the bottom of the stairs, right in front of Lee, and placed his forehead on hers.

“Hi, Jinxx,” Lee said, still smiling.

“Hi Lee. Can I please have my hat back now?” Jinxx asked with a slight smile.

“Hmm let me think. Sure,” Lee said, giving Jinxx his hat back.

Jinxx put on the hat, and gave Lee a hug, “Now come on. The surprise I’ve got planned won’t wait.”

Lee smiled at Jinxx as she followed him to his car. Jinxx then opened the passenger’s door for her, as she slipped in the seat.

“You’re welcome,” Jinxx said, rounding the car, and sliding into the driver's seat.

Lee giggled and asked, “Where are we going?”

“It’s a surprise,” Jinxx said, winking at her.

A few hours later, they arrived at a movie theater, and went to watch a movie. After the movie was over, Lee was begging Jinxx to tell her what the surprise was.

Jinxx suddenly stopped, causing Lee to stop with him, he then pulled something out of his pocket, and turned around.
Lee gasped as Jinxx got onto one knee with a slight smile.

Jinxx smiled as he asked, “Lee, will you marry me?”

Lee just started crying, as she managed to gasp out a single, “Yes.”

Jinxx got up and hugged Lee as he whispered “I love you,” and slid the ring on Lee’s finger.

“I love you too, Jinxx,” Lee whispered out, giving into the hug.

“I promise you, Lee, I won’t hurt you. You have my promise. I’ll be a good husband to you,” Jinxx said before kissing Lee.

After they shared a lunch together, and spent a few more hours in town, Jinxx and Lee went home. Jinxx carried Lee into the house, and placed her on the couch.

Lee looked up at Jinxx and asked, “So I’m now your fiancé, Jinxx?”

Jinxx sat down on the arm of the couch and nodded, “Yeah, Lee. Unless you don’t want to. All you have to do is tell me.”

Jinxx sat down on the couch and whispered to Lee, “I love you.”

Lee wrapped Jinxx in a hug, “I will never leave you, Jinxx. That’s a promise,” she then placed a kiss on his neck, “And I love you too.”

Jinxx chuckled as he broke the hug, “I’ve noticed something. Would you like to know what?”

“What have you noticed, babe?” Lee asked, sitting up, and raising her eyebrow in question.

“I’ve noticed that you’ve been kissing my neck more than anything else,” Jinxx replied with a laugh.

“Well if you weren’t so tall, Jinxx. Maybe I could properly kiss you,” Lee told him with a giggle.

Jinxx laughed as he slid down a little bit on the couch, eye level with Lee, “Is that better now, Lee?”

Lee nodded and gave Jinxx a proper kiss. After a few more seconds, Jinxx broke the kiss, to breathe. Lee looked up at Jinxx, and gave him a hug.

“This is why I love you,” Jinxx said, “You’re just so lovable!”

Chapter 4 Q&A

Who wrote Chapter 4's ?

Chapter 4 was written by London (Rock) 🥀 & ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

Who produced Chapter 4's ?

Chapter 4 was produced by ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

When did ⛧Andi Malus⸸ release Chapter 4?

⛧Andi Malus⸸ released Chapter 4 on Sun Oct 11 2020.

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