Chapter 23 Annotated

An hour later, Jayy arrived at Lee’s house with Lilith, ready to return her.

Jayy gently knocked on the door, hoping that his sister was still there. Jinxx opened the door slowly, and saw Jayy standing there with Lilith in his arms.

“Is my sister here?” Jayy asked as Jinxx completely opened the door.

“She’s asleep, but she’s here at least,” Jinxx replied, totally regretting opening the door for Jayy.

Jayy knew Jinxx hated him, there was no hiding that. Ever since Jayy came out as gay, Jinxx had hated him. There was just no reason. Whenever Jayy started dating Jeffree, every time they entered a room to talk to Lee, Jinxx would leave. Lee never knew why until Jinxx told her around the time Jinxx moved completely in with Lee. Jayy found out why Jinxx hated him after Lee found out. There was just no reason for the hatred, but according to Jinxx, there was a reason for everything.

“Can you wake my sister up please?” Jayy asked, “I need to speak to her anyway.”

Jinxx nodded as he reluctantly let Jayy in, “Stay here. I’ll go get her,” Jinxx told Jayy as he walked up the stairs to wake Lee up.

Jayy sighed. He always tried to be polite to Jinxx, but it never worked. Sighing again, Jayy watched as his sister and her husband walked down the stairs.

“Jayy,” Lee breathed out with a smile on her face, “You brought Lilith back.”

“Yeah, I did. Can I talk to you alone for a little bit?” Jayy asked, hoping his sister would agree.

Lee nodded gently as Jayy handed Lilith back to her. She nodded Jinxx off, and ever so reluctantly, Jinxx left the room.

“So what’s up, Jayy?” Lee asked once Jinxx finally left the room.

Jayy sighed deeply as he dropped his head, “I can’t believe you didn’t get the call. It’s pretty bad news,” he said sadly.

“What Jayy? What’s wrong?” Lee asked as Jayy handed Lilith to her.

“Lee, mama died. She caught covid, and didn’t make it. I got the call at least two hours ago, I’m so sorry,” Jayy finally said.

Lee gasped, throwing one hand over her mouth, “Mom was my backbone. She helped me through rough times. I can’t believe she’s gone,” Lee said sadly, as she began to cry.

Just as Lee finished her sentence, Jinxx walked back in the room to go get something to eat. Jinxx saw Lee crying, and instantly wrapped his wife in a hug, ignoring the fact that Lilith was still in her arms.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Jinxx quietly asked, as he attempted to calm her down.

Jayy spoke up for his sister, who was still crying, “Our mother died. I got the call over two hours ago. It upset me, but I guess not as bad as my sister,” Jayy said, “I knew the news would be rough on her, I didn’t know it was gonna be this rough though,” he said, gently removing Lilith from Lee’s arms.

Jinxx sighed deeply, “That’s rough, man. I’m sorry,” Jinxx said, breaking his hug with Lee.

“It’s okay. I’m not the one you should be saying sorry to though. The news didn’t hit me as hard,” Jayy replied.

Lee, who was still crying, wrapped her brother in a hug, and began to cry onto Jayy’s shirt, “It isn’t fair,” Lee sobbed out, “Why couldn’t it have been me instead?” Lee screamed out as she began to cry harder.

“Don’t say that, Lee. You deserve to be here,” Jayy quietly told his sister, gently handing Lilith to Jinxx, so Jayy could wrap Lee into a hug.

“Why shouldn’t I say it, Jayy? There’s nothing left for me. Dad died when I was fifteen, and now mom’s dead,” Lee said through broken sobs.

“You have me,” Jinxx spoke up after a few seconds, “And you have Lilith to think about.”

Jayy spoke up as well, “You’ve also got me to think about. I don’t think you’d want to leave your brother. There’s also Jeffree. We both love you, Lee,” Jayy said, breaking the hug with Lee.

“I- I need to be alone. You two need to get along while I go meditate. I love you, mon amour,” Lee finally spoke up as she walked up the stairs to her bedroom.

Jinxx exhaled deeply as he looked over at Jayy, “I was going to suprise Lee. Want to help?” he asked, trying to be polite.

“Sure. What do you have in mind?” Jayy replied, smiling at Jinxx’s politeness.

“Well, she’s been wanting an animal for a while. There’s a pet shop an hour into town. Maybe, we could get her an animal?” Jinxx suggested.

“Want to take my car?” Jayy asked, “I’ve got something a little better than your Mustang,” Jayy told Jinxx with a laugh.

“Something better than my car? Ha, I’d like to see that,” Jinxx replied with a laugh.

Jayy motioned Jinxx to follow him, as he led Jinxx outside to show Jinxx his car. Pulling his keys out of his pocket, Jayy unlocked his car. Jinxx let out a slight gasp as Jayy walked over to a solid black Ferrei, with a bright red racing stripe going straight down the middle.

“I told you I had a better car,” Jayy said with a laugh.

Jinxx nodded as he gently slid into the passenger’s seat, “I’ll have to admit, I wasn’t expecting this for your car. Lee usually takes an hour or so to meditate. So we have to be quick, but not too quick,” Jinxx added, as Jayy started his car.

Jayy nodded, “Actually Jinxx, I’m dating the cashier that works at the pet store. Depending on the pet, I might get the animal of choice half off,” Jayy informed Jinxx as he began to drive to the store.

“Who is it anyway?” Jinxx asked, “I haven’t been there in forever.”

Jayy chuckled deeply, “You’re gonna have to wait on that. We’re about thirty minutes away. Just relax, Jinxx,” Jayy said, hoping to stay on Jinxx’s good side.

After being in the car for thirty more minutes, the boys finally arrived at the pet store. Jayy walked into the store first, Jinxx followed a little bit behind.

“Welcome- Hey baby,” Jeffree said, cutting his sentence short at the sight of Jayy.

Jayy smiled and rolled his eyes, “I need a pet, Jeffree. Something that my sister would love,” Jayy said, hoping Jinxx didn’t hear what Jeffree had said.

“Hmm. How about a cat?” Jeffree suggested as he led the boys around the store so they could pick out an animal.

“Allergic,” Jinxx spoke up, “I can’t handle cats. Lee’s allergic to dogs, so she can’t have that,” Jinxx said.

“Ohh, picky shopper. How about a hamster then?” Jeffree suggested.

“I think a hamster would be good for Lee. You know her best, Jinxx, what do you think she’d like?” Jayy spoke up, turning to Jinxx.

Jinxx shrugged his shoulders, “I know she likes fish. What kind of fish do you have?” Jinxx asked, looking up at Jeffree.

“We have Beta fish, and we have Goldfish,” Jeffree replied, “The Beta fish are all males, so are the Goldfish. Keeps the breeding down,” Jeffree added.

Jayy spoke up, “What about your hamsters? Can you show us them?” he asked, looking up at Jeffree.

“Sure. I don’t recommend the Teddy Bear hamsters though,” Jeffree said.

“Why not?” Jinxx asked, as he followed behind Jeffree, who began to lead them to the hamsters.

Jeffree chuckled deeply, “Unless you or your wife doesn’t want to get bitten, stay away from them. Teddy Bear hamsters have been known to bite people,” Jeffree informed Jinxx.

“Well, what would you recommend then?” Jayy asked, looking up at Jinxx then Jeffree.

Jeffree gave Jayy a quick hug, and whispered something in his ear, that caused Jayy to blush. Turning his attention back to both of the boys, Jeffree suggested two of his favorite breeds of hamsters.

After looking at the fish and hamsters again, Jinxx decided on a hamster to get for Lee, hoping it would cheer her up.

“Hey, Jinxx? Jeffree asked if I could help him around the store, so could you take my car?” Jayy asked as Jinxx finished paying for the pet.

Jinxx nodded as he took Jayy’s keys from him. Waving the two bye, Jinxx began the drive home, hoping Lee wasn’t finished meditating.

Chapter 23 Q&A

Who wrote Chapter 23's ?

Chapter 23 was written by Morgan (Non-Music) & London (Rock) 🥀 & ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

Who produced Chapter 23's ?

Chapter 23 was produced by ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

When did ⛧Andi Malus⸸ release Chapter 23?

⛧Andi Malus⸸ released Chapter 23 on Fri Nov 13 2020.

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