Chapter 3 Annotated

Jinxx quietly left their bedroom and started practicing his guitar in the living room.
A few hours later, Lee woke up to the song ‘Knives And Pens’, which she loved. Even though there were no vocals, Lee knew the song by heart, and proceeded to sing it as she walked down the stairs.

“And I can’t go on without your love, you lost, you never held on. We tried our best, turn out the light, turn out the light!” Lee finished the song as she hit the last step.

“Hey baby,” Jinxx said, turning around to look at her, “Arе you feeling better now?”

Lee smiled and gеntly nodded her head.

“Good. Would you like to talk about the dream you had?” Jinxx asked with a slight smile.

Lee nodded her head, and walked over to the couch where Jinxx was, and sat down next to him. As soon as she was about to speak, she started tearing up again, and tried her best not to let Jinxx see.

Jinxx wrapped Lee in a hug and whispered softly in her ear, “If you don’t want to talk about it then you don’t have to.”

“No, babe. I want to talk about it,” Lee started, “It’s just difficult to talk about. It scared me!” As soon as Lee finished her sentence, she busted out in tears.

Jinxx wiped away Lee’s tears and gently brushed the hair from her face as he whispered in her ear, “Take your time baby girl.”

Lee sniffled, as she attempted to recall her dream from the other night, “Well, I was watching the news about Coronavirus, and then I got the notification that you were coming home the next day, and after that happened, I went to bed. Then I had this nightmare about you getting Coronavirus. I just got so scared that you would get it, and you wouldn’t return home. I haven’t seen you in months, and when you are home, you’re always tired. Like, I just want you to be okay. You’re my everything, and it would hurt me knowing that you wouldn’t return home. Plus, you know how my dreams are. They all happen eventually.”

Jinxx cleared his throat and told her, “Just because the rest came true doesn’t mean this one will.”

Lee looked at her boyfriend, her blue eyes filling with tears, “But babe. You know they all come true. What makes you think this one will be different?”

“I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out. I promise,” Jinxx assured her.

Lee got up from her seat on the couch, ignoring Jinxx. She walked into the kitchen, and proceeded to find the bottle of wine she kept in one of the cabinets. She popped the cork, and found her black skull wine glass she only used on rare occasions, and poured herself a glass of red wine.

Jinxx got up from the couch, and walked into the kitchen and playfully took the glass of wine out of Lee’s hand, and told her with a chuckle, “Sorry Lee, but this isn’t for minors.”

Lee spun around in her barstool, to face Jinxx, “Now listen here, I own this damn house, and I can drink in it if I want to,” Lee got up from her barstool, and tried to get the glass back, “Besides, it’s my first drink in months. Give it back!”

Jinxx raised his arm higher, “You’re going to jump if you want it back,” Jinxx said, teasing Lee.

“Oh, you are such an asshole! Why did I ever say yes to dating you?” Lee asked, jumping for her wine glass, “Jinxx! That glass was over a hundred dollars, please give it back,” Lee whined, after she jumped for the glass and missed.

“Okay. Fine here,” Jinxx said while lowering his arm, “Is that better?” Jinxx asked in a baby-like voice, still teasing Lee.

Lee grabbed the glass from Jinxx’s hand, and took the first sip of the wine, “Yes, yes it is. You are such an ass though!”

“Gosh, such a whiner,” Jinxx muttered, still teasing Lee.

Lee stuck her tongue out at Jinxx after she finished her wine, “And you don’t whine? You’re worse than me at that. But that’s why I love you,” Lee then placed a kiss on the side of Jinxx’s neck before going back to the living room.

“What are you doing?” Jinxx asked, his eyebrow raising in question.

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Lee started, “I’m over here to watch the news. It is after five o’clock, you know.”
As Lee turned on the television, she started flipping through the channels, and finally found the news.

“Coronavirus cases have skyrocketed since yesterday,” The news report started out, “Citizens are now advised to stay indoors, and to stay ten feet apart. If you do feel the need to go out, make it essential, and make the trip last a few minutes. Now over to the weather.”

Lee snorted out a laugh as she turned off the television, and walked back over to her boyfriend, “Now, since the news is over, what do you want for dinner?”

“Pasta I guess,” Jinxx said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Nothing else? Fine. I’ll make it. Just, go shower. You still have makeup on,” Lee said with a giggle.

“What kind of pasta is it, Lee?” Jinxx asked as he left the kitchen, and stopped at the bottom of the stairs.

Lee smiled as she grabbed a random box of pasta from the cabinet, “Well, it looks like Angel Hair tonight.”

“Okay, thanks,” Jinxx said while walking into the bathroom.

“Oh! Toss me your bracelet,” Lee called after Jinxx.

Jinxx walked down the stairs and handed his bracelet to Lee, “Here you go,” Jinxx said.

Lee smiled as she took the bracelet from Jinxx’s hand, and gently placed a kiss on Jinxx’s neck, “Now, go shower. You’ve got more makeup on than I do.”

Jinxx chuckled as he walked to the bathroom.

Lee smiled at Jinxx’s chuckle, and started to make the pasta, while singing ‘Die For You’ to keep her on task. Making the pasta seemed to take forever, but as soon as Lee finished the last word in the song she had been singing for fifteen minutes, the pasta was finally finished.

Jinxx walked out of the bathroom and said, “Babe, I’m finished. Is the pasta done?”

Lee nodded as she handed him a plate full of pasta, “Yeah. Here’s your plate. Enjoy.”

“Yay!” Jinxx exclaimed as he ate his pasta.

Lee chuckled at Jinxx, and started on her plate.

After a few minutes, Lee and Jinxx were both finished with their dinner, and started cuddling on the couch. Lee yawned and put on a movie for both of them to watch.

After the movie was over, Jinxx yawned as he asked Lee, “Do you want to go to bed?”

Lee yawned again, and slowly nodded her head, her eyelids gently falling.

Jinxx gently picked Lee up and brought her to their bedroom and laid her on her side of the bed, and went to his.

“Goodnight,” Jinxx whispered as he settled into bed next to his girlfriend, kissing her on the cheek.

Lee nodded gently as she felt her eyes close as she drifted off to sleep. Hours later, she jolted awake in tears, as another nightmare woke her up.

Jinxx sat up and comforted Lee and asked, “Babe, what happened?”

Lee could barely hear Jinxx from all her crying, and every time he spoke, she cried more.

“S-something’s wrong, baby,” Lee stuttered out, “I don’t know w-what yet, but t-there’s something wrong,” Lee began to cry even harder as Jinxx’s arms slid around her waist as he slowly rocked her back and forth.

After another crying fit, Lee fell asleep in Jinxx’s arms, as he held her the entire night to make sure nothing else happened to her.

Chapter 3 Q&A

Who wrote Chapter 3's ?

Chapter 3 was written by London (Rock) 🥀 & ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

Who produced Chapter 3's ?

Chapter 3 was produced by ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

When did ⛧Andi Malus⸸ release Chapter 3?

⛧Andi Malus⸸ released Chapter 3 on Sun Oct 11 2020.

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