Chapter 32 Annotated

Lee woke up early the next morning, excited for Christmas. Even though she wasn’t a child anymore, Lee always looked forward to Christmas day. Running down to the living room, Lee found Jinxx sitting on the couch practicing his guitar.

“Merry Christmas, and happy birthday, baby,” Lee almost screamed out as soon as she made her way to the bottom of the stairs.

“Happy Christmas, Lee. And thank you babe,” Jinxx replied as he got up from the couch to wrap Lee in a hug.

Lee gave into the hug and smiled, “Do you w-want your Christmas present now?” she asked as she broke the hug.

“If you don’t mind. Feeling better?” Jinxx asked as he watched Lee walk over to the closet.

“I feel great,” Lee replied as she handed Jinxx a large, and heavy box, “Here’s your Christmas present. I really, really, really hope y-you like it.”

Jinxx smiled as he began to open the box. Inside the box, there was the guitar Jinxx had been wanting for years.

“Lee,” Jinxx breathed out, “I don’t know how to thank you. This is just what I wanted. I did buy you something too,” Jinxx told his wife with a smile.

“W-what did you get me?” Lee asked, “And I’m glad you liked it. I got s-some help from a few friends,” Lee added.

Jinxx’s smile grew wider, “Look under the tree, baby. There’s a present under there just for you,” Jinxx said as he tapped Lee in the end of her nose.

Lee smiled as she ran over to the beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Finding the present Jinxx was talking about, Lee sat on the floor and unwrapped it. Inside, there was a beautiful black ball gown complete with matching black heels, gloves, and hat.

“Jinxx,” Lee breathed out as a single tear slid down her cheek, “T-thank you. T-this is beautiful, and it’s the s-same dress I’ve been w-wanting for years,” Lee whispered out as she began to cry tears of joy.

“You’re welcome, baby. I knew you’ve been wanting that dress for a very long time, so I decided to get it for you,” Jinxx replied as he walked over to Lee, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

Lee blushed as she folded the dress and sat it to the side. Opening more presents, Lee found some things for her hamster, more clothes, and some items for Lilith.

Jinxx yawned, “Babe I think we should go to bed, we have a big day ahead of us,” Jinxx said with a wink.

Lee whined, “Do w-we have t-to? Baby, you know how I am on Christmas. I’m up s-super early, and in bed s-super late,” Lee whined out.

“Fine, fine a little longer I guess,” Jinxx said as he walked into the kitchen.

“Yay!” Lee squeaked out as she found another present for her, “Yes, Jinxx. I am s-such a child w-when it comes to Christmas and Halloween. I always am,” Lee said loud enough for Jinxx to hear her.

“I know, it’s your best and your worst quality,” Jinxx said, walking back with a glass of wine.

Lee stood up so she was almost eye-level with Jinxx, “I never s-saw you complain, did I? As I recall from a few years ago, you always chuckled w-whenever I acted like s-such a child. Baby, I’m not necessarily old, and I’m not t-too young. It’s always best to hold on t-to t-the inner child,” Lee said as she removed the wine glass from Jinxx’s hand, “And I’ll t-take that,” Lee said as she stuck her tongue out at Jinxx.

Before Jinxx could reply, he felt his phone ring from his jean pocket. Wondering who was calling him on Christmas morning, Jinxx answered his phone.

“Hello? Frohe Weihnachten auch für dich, Mama. Wie geht es meinem kleinen Bruder? Mama, sie ist nicht länger meine Freundin. Ich habe sie vor einiger Zeit geheiratet. Lee ist jetzt meine Frau,” Jinxx said as Lee tilted her head to the side. Jinxx raised his index finger just before Lee started talking, to show that he was busy.

Lee growled out, wondering who was calling her husband on Christmas. With a quick idea, Lee grabbed her phone to call her best friend Amber, to see how she was doing, since Jinxx was busy.

“Lee! I was wondering if I was ever going to hear from you again!” Amber screamed out whenever she picked up the phone, “Happy Christmas, kiddo. Hopefully, we can see one another soon to catch up,” Amber said as she calmed down.

Lee giggled at Amber’s excitement, “Merry Christmas, Amber. I’ve been wanting t-to s-see you for a w-while now, and it’s been s-so s-stressful. On the bright side, I did have una niña a few months ago with my marido. S-su nombre es Lilith. No se lo digas a mi esposo, pero estar embarazada fue muy estresante. Lo odiaba,” Lee said as soon as Jinxx walked back into the room.

“Lee, my mother wants-” Jinxx said as he got interrupted by Lee shushing him.

“Espera, Amber. Aparentemente, Jinxx quiere algo, y probablemente no sea lo s-suficientemente importante como para que yo vaya,” Lee said as she dropped the phone down from her ear, “W-what, Jinxx? I’m on the phone t-talking t-to my best friend.”

Jinxx cleared his throat, “Sorry. My mother wanted to know if my little brother London could stay here for a while. He’s got to fly in from Germany, but he should be here in a few days, to a week. Please? I don’t beg for much, but this is the one thing I beg you for,” Jinxx said as he got on both of his knees as he grabbed Lee’s hands.

“Fine, besides w-what’s the w-worst t-that could happen?” Lee said with a smile.

Jinxx got up from the floor and gave Lee a very passionate kiss, “Thank you, sunshine. I promise, London won’t be a problem whenever he gets here,” Jinxx said as he broke the kiss, only to give Lee another passionate kiss.

Lee sighed dreamily as she broke the kiss, “Can w-we go t-to bed?” Lee asked with a wink.

“Now you want to go to bed?” Jinxx asked as he picked Lee up, “What made you want to go to bed now?” Jinxx asked with a wink.

“I just want t-to be close t-to you,” Lee whispered into Jinxx’s ear with a smile, “And the s-sooner we get t-to bed, t-the closer I’ll be,” Lee said as she winked at Jinxx.

Jinxx chuckled deeply, “Alright baby girl,” Jinxx said as he brought Lee to their bedroom.

After an hour or so in bed, Lee and Jinxx were trying their best to steady their breathing. Jinxx rolled over on his side to face his wife.

“I love you, Lee. Like, I really, really love you,” Jinxx whispered out as he placed a kiss on Lee’s blushing face.

“I love you t-too, mon amour. Let’s get s-some s-sleep. We w-were close, s-super close. It’s early in t-the morning, and w-we both need s-sleep. Merry Christmas, darling,” Lee breathed out as her eyelids grew heavy.

Jinxx nodded as he pulled Lee closer to himself as he drifted off to sleep. Hours later, Jinxx was woken up by a knock at the door. Placing a gentle kiss on Lee’s cheek, Jinxx rolled out of bed to answer the door.

Jinxx opened the door to see a girl at the door he’d never seen before, “I’m looking for Lee? Sorry to intrude like this, but if this is the wrong house, I can go,” the girl said as she was about to turn and leave.

“This is Lee’s house. I’m her husband, Jinxx. She’s still asleep at the moment, let me go wake her up. Come on in, and I guess make yourself at home,” Jinxx said as he invited the girl in.

After a few minutes, Jinxx returned back down the stairs, Lee in his arms. Lee gasped out at the sight of the girl on the couch, and started begging for Jinxx to put her down.

“Amber! Oh my gosh, you’re here! Come here, I w-want my hug,” Lee screamed out as she ran down the stairs to wrap Amber in a hug, “I missed you s-so much. It’s been t-too long,” Lee said as she wrapped Amber in a tight hug.

“I missed you too, kiddo. Can’t wait to hang out with you like we used to in Minnesota. The only downfall is there’s no snow here,” Amber said as she gave into the hug, “I am so glad to be here though. It took me forever to find this place, kiddo. You like hiding,” Amber laughed out as Lee broke the hug.

Lee smiled gently, “I like living on t-the outskirts. It’s calm, quiet, and it’s not t-too far from the t-town. Besides, Jinxx seems t-to love it,” Lee said as she leaned against Jinxx’s chest, “He helped me pay for this house, after all.”

Amber giggled, “That’s amazing, Lee. Can you show me around? If it’s alright with your husband, can I stay for a few days? That is, if you’ll allow me to stay,” Amber said as she looked up at Jinxx and Lee.

“Jinxy? Please? I don’t beg either, but I w-will beg you for t-this, and t-this alone,” Lee said as she spun around in Jinxx’s arms, her eyes growing wide.

“Alright, Lee. She can stay for awhile. I’m going to go pick Lilith up from your brother’s house, so I’ll be out of your hair for a little,” Jinxx said as he gave Lee a kiss before walking out the door.

Chapter 32 Q&A

Who wrote Chapter 32's ?

Chapter 32 was written by Morgan (Non-Music) & London (Rock) 🥀 & ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

Who produced Chapter 32's ?

Chapter 32 was produced by ⛧Andi Malus⸸.

When did ⛧Andi Malus⸸ release Chapter 32?

⛧Andi Malus⸸ released Chapter 32 on Sun Jan 24 2021.

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