Joel Hodgson
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mike, Tom Servo, and Crow sing a jaunty song about the revealing costumes of the week’s experiment, Outlaw of Gor, in the style of classic circus music, complete with matching striped vests and carnival barker hats.
[Servo, spoken]
Say fellas, there sure is a lotta skin in this movie, isn't there?
[Mike, spoken]
There sure is!
[Crow, spoken]
Yet despite all the acres of flesh in this film, I just can't come up with a word that describes it.
[Servo, spoken]
Well, I can!
[Mike, spoken]
You can?
[Servo, spoken]
Why, sure!
It's breasticaboobical, chesticamammical
Pendular, globular fun!
Fleshical-orbalal moundular-scoopular?
Right-o, that's the one!
Is it gluteal maximal, tushital-crackular
Bunular morning 'till night?
Well, you're absito-glandular, fanny-fantastical
Mastico-fleshular right!
It's an areological, autoerotical
Tubular, boobular joy
An exposular-regional, batchical-pouchular
Fun for girl and boy
A latissimal-dorsical, hung-like-a-horsical
Calipyligical ball
The most bunular-funular,
[Servo] [Mike and Crow] Pendular-funular, fruit-of-the-loomular Movie Frenchical-tongular, wabitaboobular of them Chestica-orbical, smorgastiboobular all! Tushibuttcheekular ball!
[Gypsy, spoken]
Hey guys, how's the movie?
Oh, it's breasticaboobical, chesticamammical,
Pendular, globular fun!
Tubular Boobular was written by Kevin Murphy (Actor) & Michael J. Nelson.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 released Tubular Boobular on Sat Dec 11 1993.