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My baby won't stop jerking and crying
And he just vomits all the time
It's cuz he's addicted to methadone
Cuz they said i couldn't take anymore oxycodone
Since i was pregnant
It turns out it wasn't addicted to methadone
Yeah, it was the oxycodone i meant
I was still taking it but
I did take the methadone too
Cuz they said it would help
And it did, i didn't get as high
So i thought baby wouldn't either
I was also taking percocet's
Because i couldn't feel the oxycodone
It wasn't as strong because of the methadone
Those are like aspirins so whatever
But yeah.. when it was in the womb
I kept feeling this straining, shaking feeling down there
And i guess it was the baby having seizures
From the withdrawal and stuff
So i thought i better double up the oxy
And i did, then the seizures down there stopped
But yeah, the baby has tremors
But he's so cute when he gets googly eyed
He cries and cries and it's so annoying
I found that what works best
Is if i take a couple oxycontins
And down a few shooters of vodka
And then wait a few hours
Before i breast feed him
Then he sleeps like a baby
White Trash Compactor was written by Betamax Sluts.
White Trash Compactor was produced by Randy Prozac.