Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Worm Quartet
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the only place in mortal existence that really rocks, Hell's Central!
Tonight, they're here for their tour, they're bound to be back later, please welcome, the Work Quartet!!
Hello hell!
We've got a song out right here in hell!
Are you ready to rock?
I said, are you ready to rock?!
Wеll, we've got something hеre from our new tape
If you know the words, sing along, if you don't, shut the hell up 'cause we're taping
It's called "Mommy's Broken!!"
Mommy's broken!!
Nobody rocks like hell!
Oh, that's it for tonight, but since you know how to rock, we'll be back in '94!
Seeya! Thank you!