Session part 1 by Schäffer the Darklord
Session part 1 by Schäffer the Darklord

Session part 1

Schäffer the Darklord * Track #1 On Sick Passenger

Session part 1 Lyrics

Schäffer: Ok, I can do this. It won't be like last time. This one will be different. Come on, man. Get it together. You can do this. You CAN do this—

Madame X: I hate to interrupt...

Schäffer: WHAT?!

Madame X: Would you like to have a seat?

Schäffer: How long have you been there?

Madame X: I've been here the whole time. This is my office, you came here for therapy

Schäffer: Right. I was just nervous because... I...

Madame X: Great, have a seat

Schäffer: Thank you

Madame X: So

Schäffer: So

Madame X: So...

Schäffer: So

Madame X: SO...

Schäffer: So... What?

Madame X: SO.....

Schäffer: A... needle pulling thread?

Madame X: So, what is your name?

Schäffer: Oh! It's Schäffer the Darklord

Madame X: Huh. Well, Mr. the Darklord...

Schäffer: Please, call me Schäffer. Mr. the Darklord is my fa...

Madame X: Your fathers name. You make that joke a lot, don't you?

Schäffer: No! ...Yes

Madame X: That's a good joke. I like that joke

Schäffer: Thanks! I mean you didn't laugh... so...

Madame X: No, it's great. So, Mr. the Darklord, why don't you try telling me your name again?

Schäffer: It's.. Mark Schäffer

Madame X: Very good, Mr. Schäffer. It's very brave of you to take this first step

Schäffer: I guess it is!

Madame X: That's mavelous. So, there's something troubling you

Schäffer: No

Madame X: No? Nothing is troubling you?

Schäffer: No, EVERYTHING is troubling me

Madame X: That must be very troubling

Schäffer: It really is!

Madame X: Well, where would you like to begin?

Schäffer: I guess... at the opening?

Madame X: I think you mean the beginning

Schäffer: Can we call it the opening?

Madame X: I don't see why not. Mr. Schäffer, the floor is yours. And please, take your time

Session part 1 Q&A

Who wrote Session part 1's ?

Session part 1 was written by Schäffer the Darklord.

Who produced Session part 1's ?

Session part 1 was produced by Schäffer the Darklord.

When did Schäffer the Darklord release Session part 1?

Schäffer the Darklord released Session part 1 on Mon Oct 07 2013.

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