Justin Davis (poet)
Christopher Rose
Annaka Saari
Annaka Saari
Aeon Ginsberg
Aeon Ginsberg
Alison Kronstadt
Alison Kronstadt
Tamer Mostafa
Ryan Jones
Amoja Sumler
Adam Ford
Adam Ford
Daniel Nester
E. Kristin Anderson
David Joez Villaverde
Claire Dockery
Claire Dockery
Stephanie Tom
Rich Boucher
Kelly R. Samuels
Kelly R. Samuels
Kayla Bell
How can I not think about everything at once:
Syria, schedules, seeping noise of fire trucks, scientists
losing funding, Slick Rick and sickness and the symbolism
of wearing all those chains. There is always a rapper talking
about chains and whips, about how we nettle over-
seers with success. Quavo says,
All these damn chains,
modern slavery / but this ain’t 1800, so they pay me.
Hov Freudian-slipped in European whips. For some,
the chains and whips also mean sex. And what about
sipping Wock, sunflowers, soliloquies of loss?
Fuck all this solipsism and sorcery: somehow there
is always another shooting, another slur bursting
into synonyms. Somehow the snow keeps
smothering my calm. Why can’t we soak up sun
and photosynthesize a nigga, let him crawl out from
between two glucose molecules, let him breathe and breathe
and breathe? When I go out, I want it to kiss me like a river
in Harlem. I want to slip into a blouse if I feel like it.
I ain’t got time for your Soundcloud, your Candace, your
Owens, save the Sharpton speech for Lil Pump.
Still Brazy was written by Justin Davis (poet).