Justin Davis (poet)
Christopher Rose
Annaka Saari
Annaka Saari
Aeon Ginsberg
Aeon Ginsberg
Alison Kronstadt
Alison Kronstadt
Tamer Mostafa
Ryan Jones
Amoja Sumler
Adam Ford
Adam Ford
Daniel Nester
E. Kristin Anderson
David Joez Villaverde
Claire Dockery
Claire Dockery
Stephanie Tom
Rich Boucher
Kelly R. Samuels
Kelly R. Samuels
Kayla Bell
Naruto isn’t a boy /
Naruto becomes the hokage /
is looking to be held broth to noodle /
to soften / to fill a bowl big enough
to make someone feel loved /
to get to be feminine and also succeed at doing so /
Show me a boy who transforms themselves
feminine and I will undress my dysmorphia /
show you my youngest trans-self gender
identity as being worthy of companionship
identity as knowing yourself / show me
a boy who dresses as a woman and finds joy
and I will show you my past / will become
stealth and hide in the shadow of my body /
dysmorphia iron / maiden myself
noodle bowl / my mouth is a pout /
let me suck with/out apprehension and I will
canonically Naruto uses a ninja art
dubbed “sexy no jutsu” at age twelve
and I research how to tuck into nothing /
canonically Naruto uses “sexy no jutsu”
and was shunned for having a demon
locked inside themself until
proven useful to praise /
canonically Naruto uses “sexy no jutsu”
and still got to fall into the arms of a lover
who saw them as a whole self / hold me
as I art myself into the body I need to have
to make it through the night / bless the ninja
that hides in the forest even when the leaves die /
bless the body held through fire and took the burns
and the bones and turned them / into safe haven /
sanctuary city my blood /
hidden in the leaves / a country of closets /
bless the world with room for girls like us / who know
the shape of their belly best in shadows /
limp like noodles / mouths full / broth pursed lips /
I don’t need you to show me something
I can just as easily perform / watch
as I smoke bomb my body booby-trap /
to make yourself into one million women
is a forbidden art so forbid me into something
unwritten / bind my body into a sealed scroll /
teach me how to gesture myself into permanent
suppleness and I will / what doesn’t kill you
makes you stronger but I would love to be
the soft and whole noodle / true / even if
for only a moment it meant that being me is seen as an artform.
I don’t need you to love me as I am
if it means you won’t let me
grow into what I need to be to live longer.
Body Dysmorphia Hidden In The Leaves was written by Aeon Ginsberg.