Richard O’Brien
Besty Brantley & Sinitta & & & & Manning Redwood
Cliff De Young & Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper
Manning Redwood
Cliff De Young & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Patricia Quinn & Richard O’Brien
Richard O’Brien & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Jessica Harper & Patricia Quinn
Richard O’Brien & Barry Humphries & Patricia Quinn & Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper
Richard O’Brien & Little Nell & Barry Humphries & Jessica Harper & Darlene Johnson & Manning Redwood & Patricia Quinn
Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper & Cliff De Young
Darlene Johnson & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Richard O’Brien & Patricia Quinn & & & Manning Redwood
Gary Shail & Sinitta & Gary Martin & & David John
Cliff De Young
Cliff De Young & Charles Gray & & Jessica Harper
Denton, U.S.A is a campy romp singing the praises of Brad and Janet’s home town. It is the first song in the accompanying movie Shock Treatment, and slyly references events of the past and foreshadows those of the future whilst introducing the audience to the film’s setting.
Within the movie, the s...
You'll find happy hearts and smiling faces
And tolerance for the ethnic races, in Denton
You'll find a rambling rose and a picket fence
Tenderness and innocence, in Denton
You'll find conference rooms and a children's playground
Denton is a real OK town
Civic pride and civic duty
And Denton girls are...
(Wolf Whistle)
Full of beauty
You may call us the goody goody two shoes
We're here to cheer you with the good news!
That D-E-N-T-O-N
Gets T-E-N, that's ten out of ten!
If you're looking for a life of leisure
You're going to get a whole lot to please ya
Again and again...
And again and again...
And again!
Denton, Denton, you've got no pretension
You're where the heart is, you're OK
Denton, Denton, I'd just like to mention
You're the home of youth
You're America's truth
You're Denton, Denton, U.S.A!
This is the Mecca of America!
The Bethlehem of the West!
This is the birthplace of the virtuous!
The home of happiness!
Leisurewise, we're sure you will adapt
Enjoy your stay, have a happy holiday
And we'll all put Denton, Denton, on the map!
Denton, Denton, you've got no pretension
You're where the heart is, you're OK
Denton, Denton, I'd just like to mention
You're the home of youth
You're America's truth
You're Denton, Denton, U.S.A
Denton, Denton, you've got no pretension
You're where the heart is, you're OK
Denton, Denton, I'd just like to mention
You're the acceptable face
Of the human race
You're Denton, Denton, U.S.A!
Denton, U.S.A. was written by Richard O’Brien.