Richard O’Brien
Besty Brantley & Sinitta & & & & Manning Redwood
Cliff De Young & Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper
Manning Redwood
Cliff De Young & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Patricia Quinn & Richard O’Brien
Richard O’Brien & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Jessica Harper & Patricia Quinn
Richard O’Brien & Barry Humphries & Patricia Quinn & Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper
Richard O’Brien & Little Nell & Barry Humphries & Jessica Harper & Darlene Johnson & Manning Redwood & Patricia Quinn
Jessica Harper
Jessica Harper & Cliff De Young
Darlene Johnson & Little Nell & Rik Mayall & Richard O’Brien & Patricia Quinn & & & Manning Redwood
Gary Shail & Sinitta & Gary Martin & & David John
Cliff De Young
Cliff De Young & Charles Gray & & Jessica Harper
With a suburban garage sound...
Let's hear it for Oscar Drill and the Bits!
One, two, one two three four!
I know how it feels
To be cooling my heels
I've been down on them
Long enough
But if I take to them now
Then maybe somehow
You'll see through the bluff
I'm not playing it tough!
I've been a lifetime on deposit
And that's a long time in the closet
And if you say to me
How was it?
It was hard taking
That heartbreaking
God forsaken route
But I'm breaking out!
You may say that you choose
To be in my shoes
But look what it did for me
I got buried alive
I don't thrive on that jive
Look and you'll see
That my spikes don't fit me
I've been a lifetime on deposit
And that's a long time in the closet
And if you say to me
How was it?
It was hard taking
That heartbreaking
God forsaken route!
But I'm
Breaking out!
Breaking out!
Breaking out!
Breaking Out was written by Richard O’Brien.