I didn't it was so expensive, when I was making these kids, I didn't know that. I didn't know that at all. There're should've been a calculator above the bed. There should've just been numbers going by: just all the things I'm gonna write checks for. My wife and I might've stopped. We might've stopped. Too many numbers up there, man, let's not do this. Just writing checks all the time. Writing checks all the time. It rained once, you guys, in july, once. It rained once We've had a drought for three years. It rained once my roof starts to leak. Had to hire ten dudes to come over and put a roof on my house. Writing checks to those guys. While putting roof on my house, water heater goes out. Same week. I've got a new water heater going in, I've got ten dudes on the roof. What does my son say to me? Dad, where do you think we'll go for summer vacation? Dad, where do you think we're gonna go for summer vacation? I'm like "check it out. Summer vacation? You can take a shower and then sit on the roof" All summer long, buddy: summer, roof. You're gonna love it. Back and forth. My wife's like "Honey, don't get crazy, like honey, take a shower, put some sunscreen on, then get on the roof." Everyone competing for great vacations too. My daughter's friend's going to Hawaii for two weeks. "Dad, Claire's family's going to Hawaii for two weeks." I'm like "damn, two weeks? Who goes to Hawaii for two weeks?" I guess everyone in this room, all right. I forgot, I am in La Jolla aren't I? You guys are like "we go for six weeks minimum bro" Six weeks! My son was sayin' his friends are gonna to Belize. They're gonna ride motorcycles in Belize. They're gonna ride horses in Belize. Stay in a cottage in Belize. I was like "Hey everybody. Family meeting, come here, check out, you better Belize we ain't going to Hawaii. We're going to check out a place called Fresno. You're going to love it: gets real hot there. Says everything about that city in the name: Fres-no" Writing Checks, writng checks all the time man.