Who We Are by Hozier
Who We Are by Hozier

Who We Are

Hozier * Track #8 On Unreal Unearth

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Who We Are by Hozier

Release Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Performed by
Produced by
Bēkon & Chakra & Pete G & Sergiu Gherman
Writed by
Hozier & Bēkon & Daniel Krieger & Peter Gonzales & Sergiu Gherman

On June 28th, Hozier sent out an autographed postcard to a fan who pre-ordered the album, revealing Who We Are is track 8.

Who We Are Lyrics

[Verse 1]
You only feel it when it's lost
Gettin' through still has a cost
Quietly, it slips through your fingers, love
Falling from you drop by drop
What I had left here
I just held it tight
So someone with your eyes
Might come in time
To hold me like water
Or Christ, hold me like a knife

We're born at night
So much of our lives
Is just carving through the dark
To get so far
And the hardest part
Is who we are
It's who we are

[Verse 2]
You and I burned out our steam
Chasing someone else's dream
How can something be so much heavier
But so much less than what it seems
Darling, we sacrificed
We gave our time to something undefined
This phantom life sharpens like an image
But it sharpens like a knife

We're born at night
So much of our lives
Is just carving through the dark
To get so far
And the hardest part
Is who we are
It's who we are

Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah

You only feel it when it's lost
Getting through still has its cost
Quietly, it slips through your fingers, love
Falling from you drop by drop

Who We Are Q&A

Who wrote Who We Are's ?

Who We Are was written by Hozier & Bēkon & Daniel Krieger & Peter Gonzales & Sergiu Gherman.

Who produced Who We Are's ?

Who We Are was produced by Bēkon & Chakra & Pete G & Sergiu Gherman.

When did Hozier release Who We Are?

Hozier released Who We Are on Fri Aug 18 2023.

What has the artist said about the song?

I wouldn’t say that I even try to be affirming in [my] work […] at times you can’t possibly offer affirmation or any sort of comfort. In a song like ‘Who We Are’, it’s about simply sitting in and accepting that this undeniable terror is part of life on Earth. We bear witness to this experience of li...

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What did Hozier say about "Who We Are"?

This song was like a sneeze. Once we had the structure down, we jammed it and I just started wailing melodies that felt right at the time, and then took that away and came back with a song very quickly. Something I wanted to get into the album was this idea of being born at night, of starting in com...

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