Eat Your Young by Hozier
Eat Your Young by Hozier

Eat Your Young

Hozier * Track #6 On Unreal Unearth

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Eat Your Young by Hozier

Release Date
Fri Mar 17 2023
Performed by
Produced by
Bēkon & Hozier & Sergiu Gherman & Pete G & Chakra
Writed by
Hozier & Bēkon & Stuart Johnson & Sergiu Gherman & Valentino & Craig Balmoris & Tyler Mehlenbacher & Stuart Johnston

“Eat Your Young” sees Hozier describe a feast being prepared and served together with the chaos that comes with it. According to the artist, the track is a taste of the 9 Circles of Hell more specifically the 3rd Circle, Gluttony. This is based on the first part of Dante Alighieri’s epic poem known...

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Eat Your Young Lyrics

[Verse 1]
I'm starvin', darlin'
Let me put my lips to somethin'
Let me wrap my teeth around the world
Start carvin', darlin'
I wanna smell the dinner cookin'
I wanna feel the edges start to burn

Honey, I wanna race you to the table
If you hesitate, the gettin' is gone
I won't lie if there's somethin' to be gained
There's money to be made, whatever's still to come

Get some
Pull up the ladder when the flood comes
Throw enough rope until the legs have swung
Seven new ways that you can eat your young
Come and get some
Skinnin' the children for a war drum
Puttin' food on the table, sellin' bombs and guns
It's quicker and easier to eat your young

[Instrumental Break]

[Verse 2]
You can't buy this fineness
Let me see the heat get to you
Let me watch the dressing start to peel
It's a kindness, highness
Crumbs enough for everyone
Old and young are welcome to the meal

Honey, I'm makin' sure the table's made
We can celebrate the good that we've done
I won't lie if there's somethin' still to take
There is ground to break, whatever's still to come

Get some
Pull up the ladder when the flood comes
Throw enough rope until the legs have swung
Seven new ways that you can eat your young
Come and get some
Skinnin' the children for a war drum
Puttin' food on the table sellin' bombs and guns
It's quicker and easier to eat your young

[Instrumental Outro]

Eat Your Young Q&A

Who wrote Eat Your Young's ?

Eat Your Young was written by Hozier & Bēkon & Stuart Johnson & Sergiu Gherman & Valentino & Craig Balmoris & Tyler Mehlenbacher & Stuart Johnston.

Who produced Eat Your Young's ?

Eat Your Young was produced by Bēkon & Hozier & Sergiu Gherman & Pete G & Chakra.

When did Hozier release Eat Your Young?

Hozier released Eat Your Young on Fri Mar 17 2023.

How did the song perform commercially?

During the tracking week ending April 1, 2023, the song debuted at #67 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song marks Hozier’s second solo single to appear on the Hot 100, his first being “Take Me To Church” which peaked at #2 in 2013.

Live Performance

Live on Late Night Berlin
3FM Live Box | NPO 3FM
Live on Later… with Jools Holland
Live on GMA

What did Hozier say about "Eat Your Young"?

I don’t know how intentional the reference to Jonathan Swift was in this. That essay [Swift’s 1729 satirical essay A Modest Proposal in which he suggests the Irish poor sell their children as food] is such a cultural landmark that it’s just hanging in the air. I was more reflecting on what I felt no...

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What have the artists said about the song?

It’s kind of an idea for a song that has been cooking on me, I guess. This idea of sacrificing the future of other people for the sake of short-term gain. This idea of where children become the ground for culture war for adults to use it as pawns on culture wars, especially when it comes to arm stea...

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Does the track have any certifications?

On November 29, 2023, “Eat Your Young” was certified gold by the RIAA.

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