De Selby (Part 1) by Hozier
De Selby (Part 1) by Hozier

De Selby (Part 1)

Hozier * Track #1 On Unreal Unearth

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De Selby (Part 1) by Hozier

Release Date
Fri Aug 18 2023
Performed by
Produced by
Hozier & Bēkon & Pete G & Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman
Writed by

“De Selby (Part 1)” is the opening act on Hozier’s third studio album, Unreal Unearth, Taking inspiration from De Selby, an eccentric fictional philosopher, and scientist featured in Flann O'Brien’s novel The Third Policeman, Hozier explores the darkness in the context of connection; to self, to oth...

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De Selby (Part 1) Lyrics

[Verse 1]
At last, when all of the world is asleep
You take in the blackness of air
The likes of a darkness so deep
That God, at the start, couldn't bear

[Verse 2]
And sit unseen with only the inner upheld
Your reflection can't offer a word
To the bliss of not knowin' yourself
With all mirrorin' gone from the world

[Verse 3]
But, still, the mind, rejectin' this new empty space
Fills it with somethin' or someone
No closer could I be to God
Or why he would do what he's done

Bhfuilis soranna sorcha
Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
Trína chéile
Le chéile, claochlaithe
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha
Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
Is claochlú an ealaín
Is ealaín dubh í
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha
Ach tagais 'nós na hoíchе
Trína chéile
Le chéile, claochlaithе
Bhfuilis soranna sorcha
Ach tagais 'nós na hoíche
Is claochlú an ealaín
Is ealaín dubh í

De Selby (Part 1) Q&A

Who wrote De Selby (Part 1)'s ?

De Selby (Part 1) was written by Hozier.

Who produced De Selby (Part 1)'s ?

De Selby (Part 1) was produced by Hozier & Bēkon & Pete G & Jeff “Gitty” Gitelman.

When did Hozier release De Selby (Part 1)?

Hozier released De Selby (Part 1) on Fri Aug 18 2023.

What else have the artists said about the verses sung in Irish?

Those verses in Gaeilge are just about metamorphosis or shape-shifting and change, so it’s [about how] in new circumstances or in [the] darkness you’re freed from a lot of things. You can no longer see yourself — all mirroring has gone from the world and in that you have the infinite, internal space...

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What did Hozier say about "De Selby (Part 1)"?

I didn’t know the song was going to reference de Selby until It started taking shape. He’s a character in a book by Flann O'Brien called The Third Policeman [written in 1939 but not published until after O'Brien’s death in 1967]. The book is like Alice in Wonderland, and it’s a classic piece of surr...

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