White Ferrari by Frank Ocean
White Ferrari by Frank Ocean

White Ferrari

Frank Ocean * Track #14 On Blonde

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White Ferrari by Frank Ocean

Release Date
Sat Aug 20 2016
Performed by
Frank Ocean
Produced by
Frank Ocean & Jon Brion & Om’Mas Keith
Writed by
Frank Ocean & Kanye West & Malay & John Lennon & Paul McCartney & Lennon-McCartney

The heartbreaking “White Ferrari” features great emotional depth as the track speaks volumes about love and permanence.

In December 2015, Canadian DJ and producer A-Trak started rumors about a song titled “White Ferrari,” claiming it was “the best thing u’ll hear this year.” He was seconded by Rost...

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White Ferrari Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Bad luck to talk on these rides
Mind on the road, your dilated eyes watch the clouds float
White Ferrari, had a good time
(Sweet sixteen, how was I supposed to know anything?)
I let you out at Central
I didn't care to state the plain
Kept my mouth closed
We're both so familiar
White Ferrari, good times

[Verse 2]
Stick by me, close by me
You were fine, you were fine here
That's just a slow body
You left when I forgot to speak
So I text the speech, lesser speeds, Texas speed, yes
Basic takes its toll on me, 'ventually, 'ventually, yes
Ahh, on me 'ventually, 'ventually, yes

[Verse 3]
I care for you still and I will forever
That was my part of the deal, honest
We got so familiar
Spending each day of the year
White Ferrari, good times
In this life (Life), in this life (Life)
One too many years
Some tattooed eyelids on a facelift
(Thought you might want to know now)
Mind over matter is magic, I do magic
If you think about it, it'll be over in no time
And that's life

[Verse 4]
I'm sure we're taller in another dimension
You say we're small and not worth the mention
You’re tired of movin', your body's achin'
We could vacay, there's places to go
Clearly, this isn't all that there is
Can't take what's been given (No way)
But we're so okay here, we're doing fine
Primal and naked
You dream of walls that hold us in prison
It's just a skull, least that's what they call it
And we're free to roam

White Ferrari Q&A

Who wrote White Ferrari's ?

White Ferrari was written by Frank Ocean & Kanye West & Malay & John Lennon & Paul McCartney & Lennon-McCartney.

Who produced White Ferrari's ?

White Ferrari was produced by Frank Ocean & Jon Brion & Om’Mas Keith.

When did Frank Ocean release White Ferrari?

Frank Ocean released White Ferrari on Sat Aug 20 2016.

Could this be about the boy Frank fell in love with that he mentioned on Tumblr?

Probably not. Frank states in this song that he was sixteen at the time of this relationship:
“16: how was I supposed to know anything?”

However, in his Tumblr post, he states that he met the boy when he was 19:

I met somebody. I was 19 years old.
He was too.

Why is John Lennon credited as a writer on this song?

Lennon/McCartney are credited due to the minute reference to “Here, There and Everywhere.”

Though McCartney wrote “Here, There and Everywhere” alone, the song was credited to the Lennon/McCartney partnership.

Is that Justin Vernon singing the last verse?

No, it is just Frank Ocean with effects on his voice.

What have the artists said about the song?

When I was making the record, there was 50 versions of “White Ferrari.” I have a 15-year-old little brother, and he heard one of the versions, and he’s like, “You gotta put that one out, that’s the one.” And I was like, “Naw, that’s not the version,” because it didn’t give me peace yet.

Unused Single Artwork

At some point before the release of Blonde in August 2016, Frank Ocean commissioned London-based type designer Kia Tasbihgou to create artwork for a series of singles, including the songs “Nikes,” “White Ferrari,” “Ivy,” “Nights,” “Self Control,” and “Both Sides” (likely an early name for “Chanel,”...

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