
Frank Ocean * Track #16 On Blonde

Download "Godspeed"

Godspeed by Frank Ocean

Release Date
Sat Aug 20 2016
Performed by
Frank Ocean
Produced by
Frank Ocean & Om’Mas Keith & Malay & James Blake
Writed by
Frank Ocean & Malay

On “Godspeed,” the penultimate track from Blonde, Frank describes him leaving a lover, but doing so in a respectful way. The title is an exclamation used to give good fortune to someone starting a journey.

The track features many religious overtones, including various references to the bible sung o...

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Godspeed Lyrics

[Verse: Frank Ocean]
I will always love you
How I do
Let go of a prayer for you
Just a sweet word
The table is prepared for you
Wishing you godspeed, glory
There will be mountains you won't move
Still, I'll always be there for you
How I do
I let go of my claim on you
It's a free world
You'll look down on where you came from sometimes
But you'll have this place to call home always

[Bridge: Frank Ocean & Kim Burrell]
This love will keep us through blinding of the eyes
Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind (Until it's time)
This love will keep through blinding of the eyes (Oh)
Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind (Oh)
This love will keep us through blinding of the eyes (Oh, it's 'til it's time we die)
Silence in the ears, darkness of the mind

[Outro: Kim Burrell]
Oh, oh
I'll always love you
Until the time we die
Oh, oh

Godspeed Q&A

Who wrote Godspeed's ?

Godspeed was written by Frank Ocean & Malay.

Who produced Godspeed's ?

Godspeed was produced by Frank Ocean & Om’Mas Keith & Malay & James Blake.

When did Frank Ocean release Godspeed?

Frank Ocean released Godspeed on Sat Aug 20 2016.

Did The Beatles influence "Godspeed"?

They may have Frank did credit them for the album because he got a lot of inspiration from them while making this album.

Has Frank spoken about Kim Burell on the track?

Whilst it doesn’t seem that Frank has spoken about Burrell on the track itself, he did write a review of one of her songs on his tumblr in 2010.

What's Elliot Smith's contribution to this song?

Elliott Smith has no listed contribution to “Godspeed,” as per the liner notes.

His song “A Fond Farewell” is interpolated in the preceding track, “Seigfried.”

Why is Yung Lean credited as a feature on this song?

In the official liner notes he has a “featured vocals” credit. It is most likely he is doing background vocals of some sort

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