Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
Nina Persson
What if I was little and you were big like me
And we sat here together how happy we could be
You'd have tied it up your bedroom and made us eggy bread
I would have played my TV game and dumped upon your bed
You would have to brush my teeth then help me on with my pyjamas
I'd want to be so close to you so that nothing back could harm us
And you'd read to me a story as I turn in for the day
And my Teddy bear would listen to every word you say
Yes, what if you were me? And what if I were you?
You would whisper to me softly "Sweet dreams, my baby blue"