Tie That Binds by Drake
Tie That Binds by Drake

Tie That Binds

Drake * Track #12 On Honestly, Nevermind

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Tie That Binds by Drake

Release Date
Fri Jun 17 2022
Performed by
Produced by
Gordo & Vlado & Ramon Ginton & Alex Lustig
Writed by
Drake & Gordo & Ramon Ginton & Vlado & Alex Lustig

Tie That Binds Lyrics

Oh, oh
Oh, oh
Oh, oh

[Verse 1]
Kill me slowly with those piercin' eyes
Don't break my fall
Hidin' from those stars, foreign inside
Every time
I know you're here
I never felt so alive (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Slowly you're pullin' me 'cross the line
In no time, in no time

Oh, baby, I'm feelin' all sort of things
I never wanna see you ever leave
Maybe I'll take you to my family
Change your name
Oh, baby

[Guitar Solo]

[Verse 2]
With no doubt I'll give you all my time
And walk the line
You bring out the best part of me, babe
Effortlessly, effortlessly
Hope you never dim the light (Ooh, ooh, ooh)
Hold me close as you can 'til we're ghost
It's a promise, 'til we're ghost

Oh, baby, I'm feelin' all sort of things
I never wanna see you ever leave
Maybe I'll take you to my family
Change your name
Oh, baby

Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah
Please, don't leave me
You know I need you, you know I need you, yeah

[Instrumental Outro]

Tie That Binds Q&A

Who wrote Tie That Binds's ?

Tie That Binds was written by Drake & Gordo & Ramon Ginton & Vlado & Alex Lustig.

Who produced Tie That Binds's ?

Tie That Binds was produced by Gordo & Vlado & Ramon Ginton & Alex Lustig.

When did Drake release Tie That Binds?

Drake released Tie That Binds on Fri Jun 17 2022.

How did the song perform commercially?

The song debuted at #66 on the Billboard Hot 100, on the week ending July 2, 2022.

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