Down Hill by Drake
Down Hill by Drake

Down Hill

Drake * Track #11 On Honestly, Nevermind

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Down Hill by Drake

Release Date
Fri Jun 17 2022
Performed by
Produced by
Writed by
Drake & 40 & Beau Nox & TRESOR

In “Down Hill,” Drake sings about his experience in a relationship that ended overnight because of the disconnection they felt. He compares the last summer they spent together with the one night that ended them, even as they try to keep it together. The song’s title mentions how over the past year,...

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Down Hill Lyrics

[Verse 1: Drake]
Baby, I think it might be too late, we're too far gone
Chemistry's frozen, we feel disconnected and exposed
I can't remember, when last did we feel familiar?
Tell me you're ready, tell me you're ready to walk away

[Chorus: Drake]
Overnight, we're done
Overnight, we're done

[Post-Chorus: Beau Nox]
We tri-tri-tried, tried, tried
We tri-tri-triеd
We tri-tri-tried, tried, triеd
We tri-tri-tried
We tri-tri-tried, tried, tried, tried, tried, tried

[Verse 2: Drake]
I used to wonder how you could swear it's for life
Constant confusion, nearing conclusion, going downhill
We spent last summer, we spent last summer so differently
I can't pretend, I can't pretend it was final

[Chorus: Drake]
Overnight, we're done
Overnight, we're done

[Post-Chorus: Beau Nox]
We tri-tri-tried, tried, tried
We tri-tri-tried
We tri-tri-tried, tried, tried
We tri-tri-tried
We tri-tri-tried, tried, tried, tried, tried, tried

[Verse 3: Drake]
We don't connect anymore, far, far, far gone
We don't connect anymore, far, far, far gone
We don't connect anymore, far, far, far gone
We spent last summer, we spent last summer so differently
Tell me you're ready, tell me you're ready to walk away

[Outro: Drake & TRESOR]
We're goin' down, we're goin' downhill
Oh, we're goin' downhill
We're goin' down, we're goin' downhill
Oh, we're goin' downhill
We're goin' down, we're goin' downhill
Oh, we're goin' downhill
We're goin' down, we're goin' downhill
Oh, we're goin' downhill

Down Hill Q&A

Who wrote Down Hill's ?

Down Hill was written by Drake & 40 & Beau Nox & TRESOR.

Who produced Down Hill's ?

Down Hill was produced by 40.

When did Drake release Down Hill?

Drake released Down Hill on Fri Jun 17 2022.

How did the song perform commercially?

The song debuted at #62 on the Billboard Hot 100, on the week ending July 2, 2022.

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