Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian) & Laura Nasrallah
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
Polybius (Greek Historian)
1 When the Romans had thus, contrary to all expectation, gained the prospect of success at sea their determination to prosecute the war became twice as strong.
2 On this occasion they put in on the coast of Sicily, raised the siege of Segesta which was in the last stage of distress, and in leaving Segesta took the city of Macella by assault.
3 After the battle at sea Hamilcar, the Carthaginian commander of their land forces, who was quartered in the neighbourhood of Panormus, heard that in the Roman camp the allies and the Romans were at variance as to which had most distinguished themselves in the battles.
4 and that the allies were encamped by themselves between the Paropus and the Hot Springs of Himera. Suddenly falling on them with his whole force as they were breaking up their camp he killed about four thousand.
5 After this action Hannibal with the ships that escaped sailed away to Carthage and shortly after crossed from there to Sardinia, taking with him additional ships and some of the most celebrated naval officers.
6 Not long afterwards he was blockaded in one of the harbours of Sardinia by the Romans and after losing many of his ships was summarily arrested by the surviving Carthaginians and crucified.
7 The Romans, I should explain, from the moment they concerned themselves with the sea, began to entertain designs on Sardinia.
8 The Roman troops in Sicily did nothing worthy of note during the following year.
9 But at its close when they had received their new commanders the Consuls of next year, Aulus Atilius and Gaius Sulpicius, they started to attack Panormus, because the Carthaginian forces were wintering there.
10 The Consuls, when they got close up to the city, offered battle with their whole forces, but as the enemy did not come out to meet them they left Panormus and went off to attack Hippana.
11 This city they took by assault and they also took Myttistratum which withstood the siege for long owing to its strong situation.
12 They then occupied Camarina which had lately deserted their cause, bringing up a siege battery and making a breach in the
wall. They similarly took Enna and several other small places belonging to the Carthaginians.
13 And when they had finished with these operations they undertook the siege of Lipara.