Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
Tommy Cash (US)
This album is a tribute to the working man and woman and about the American way of life
The working man, the lifeline, the breath of our nation
There won't be enough time in this one album to talk and sing about every great American character, but in this album, you'll hear about some of our friends and maybe yourself
It's about the farmer, the truck driver, the lawyer, the housewife, the coal miner, the mailman, the entertainer, the waitress, the family man and many other real-to-life characters who in a consistent and unique chain of related effort burn the oil and bear the burden that turns the wheel of the American way of life