Every Angel is Terrifying by The Weeknd
Every Angel is Terrifying by The Weeknd

Every Angel is Terrifying

The Weeknd * Track #12 On Dawn FM

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Every Angel is Terrifying by The Weeknd

Release Date
Fri Jan 07 2022
Performed by
The Weeknd
Produced by
Matt Cohn & The Weeknd & Oneohtrix Point Never
Writed by
The Weeknd & Oneohtrix Point Never & Matt Cohn

The title of this song likely refers to a line from “Duino Elegies” by Rainer Maria Rilke. The poem represents Rilke’s contemplation of the immaterial world, heavenly creatures and the unknown.

Rilke contrasts these concepts with the human condition, which he sees as poor and limited to what humans...

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Every Angel is Terrifying Lyrics

Ooh, ooh
Ah, ah, woah

[Spoken Word]
Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels' order?
Even if they pressed me against their heart, I’d be consumed
For beauty is the terror we endure
While we stand and wonder, we're annihilated
Every angel is terrifying

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Every Angel is Terrifying Q&A

Who wrote Every Angel is Terrifying's ?

Every Angel is Terrifying was written by The Weeknd & Oneohtrix Point Never & Matt Cohn.

Who produced Every Angel is Terrifying's ?

Every Angel is Terrifying was produced by Matt Cohn & The Weeknd & Oneohtrix Point Never.

When did The Weeknd release Every Angel is Terrifying?

The Weeknd released Every Angel is Terrifying on Fri Jan 07 2022.

How did this song perform on the Billboard charts?

“Every Angel Is Terrifying” debuted at #93 on the Billboard Hot 100 week ending January 22, 2022.

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