Don't Break My Heart by The Weeknd
Don't Break My Heart by The Weeknd

Don’t Break My Heart

The Weeknd * Track #13 On Dawn FM

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Don't Break My Heart by The Weeknd

Release Date
Fri Jan 07 2022
Performed by
The Weeknd
Produced by
Oscar Holter & Matt Cohn & Max Martin & Oneohtrix Point Never & The Weeknd
Writed by
Matt Cohn & Oscar Holter & Oneohtrix Point Never & Max Martin & The Weeknd

Backed by a shallow, electric pop/r&b beat produced by The Weeknd himself and frequent collaborator Oneohtrix Point Never, “Don’t Break My Heart” has the Weekend vocalizing about a woman who he describes as paralyzing and mesmerizing.

The lyrics in the tracks pre-chorus also interpolate The Wee...

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Don’t Break My Heart Lyrics

Ooh (I'm paralyzed)
Ooh (Let's go)

[Verse 1]
I see you drowning in the purple lights
Diamonds shinin' bright
I see every ice on you
You snatch my soul, I'm crucified
I feel paralyzed
I'm so mesmerized by you (By you)

But I know you're right for me
I keep coming back for more
I think that you would die for me
And this time, I know for sure

Just don't break my heart (Don't break my heart)
Don't let me down, please
Don't you break my heart (Don't break my heart)
I don't know if I can take it anymore

[Verse 2]
Take it anymore, take it anymore
I can't take another heartbreak or I'll end it all
And the girl I used to love
We broke up in the club
And I almost died in the discotheque

And now I know she wasn't right for me
I kept coming back for more
I'd rather you would die for me
And this time, I know for sure

Just don't break my heart (Don't break my heart)
Don't let me down, please
Don't you break my heart (Don't break my heart)
I don't know if I can take it anymore
Don't break my heart (Don't you, don't you)
I'm falling apart already
Don't you break my heart (Don't you, don't you)
I don't know if I can take it anymore

I believe the liquor's talking
I just need the room to stop and
I could be the one you want
Just as long as you don't break my heart
And I realized
When I kissed your neck
That the room is hot
I can taste your sweat
It's just you and I
In the discotheque
But don't you worry

Just don't break my heart (Don't break my heart)
Don't let me down, please
Don't you break my heart (Don't break my heart)
I don't know if I can take it anymore
Don't break my heart (Don't you, don't you)
I'm falling apart already
Don't you break my heart (Don't you, don't you)
I don't know if I can take it anymore

Don’t Break My Heart Q&A

Who wrote Don’t Break My Heart's ?

Don’t Break My Heart was written by Matt Cohn & Oscar Holter & Oneohtrix Point Never & Max Martin & The Weeknd.

Who produced Don’t Break My Heart's ?

Don’t Break My Heart was produced by Oscar Holter & Matt Cohn & Max Martin & Oneohtrix Point Never & The Weeknd.

When did The Weeknd release Don’t Break My Heart?

The Weeknd released Don’t Break My Heart on Fri Jan 07 2022.

How did this song perform on the Billboard charts?

“Don’t Break My Heart” debuted at #85 on the Billboard Hot 100 week ending January 22, 2022.

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