Les possédés & KLE Lëtzebuerg
Nahia Carranza & KLE Lëtzebuerg & The False Brentwoods
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Vozes distantes & KLE Lëtzebuerg
Yera bien tortolita
Ufiertándote la mio vida
Cortaron esta jara
Primero que brotara
Nirea dena berreskuratzeko garaia
Hobe berandu inoiz baino, ezta?
Beti izan zenuen begi ibiltaria
Naturala zela esan duzu, gizonen kontua
Zinean jeloskor jarri zinen, ordea
Heroia miresten nuen bakoitzean
Ez dut denborarik emango atzera begira
Parranda egiteko ordua heldu da
Has dadila dantza
Arrosa ihartu bat bezala sentitu nintzen
Belar bat zinеn, eta ez nuen ikustеn
Grievances I have about you?
Believe you me I've more than a few
Want someone who'll make me feel new
Not some dog toy that's already chewed
Loved you so much that I just couldn't see
All the ways you were controlling me
I'm worth more, you better believe
Soul in shackles but now it's free
Felt guilty about the stupidest things
Yet turned a blind eye to your little flings
Seldom felt pretty since we both said I do
But these wings you clipped healed, and I'm flying anew
Nirea dena berreskuratzeko garaia
Hobe berandu inoiz baino, ezta?
Et tu penses que je serai seule désormais
Mieux vaut être seule que mal accompagnée
Nirea dena berreskuratzeko garaia
Hobe berandu inoiz baino, ezta?
Monto una fiesta a lo bestia
Toi dispuesta a pasar
Tola nueche baillando con quien me mereza
Por ti ya nun voi llorar
Divorcio (Fiesta) was written by Lauren Agam.
Divorcio (Fiesta) was produced by Lauren Agam.
Nahia Carranza released Divorcio (Fiesta) on Wed Nov 01 2023.