Intro Lyrics

He appeared unto Abraham by the trees of Mamre (Genesis 18) / He spoke to Moses at the bush from within the flame (Exodus 3) / wrestled with Jacob changed his name to Israel and He blessed him (Genesis 32) / the parents of the Nazirite inquired of His name (Judges 13) / unto us a child is born His kingdom is forevermore / His name shall be Mighty God (Isaiah 9) who can this be? / before His feet they all bow down the Angel of His presence (Isaiah 63:9) / His goings forth is from eternity (Micah 5:2) / Theophany /

Welcome to the mysterious encounters we call Theophanies / close encounters of a divine kind / the Messenger of Yahweh / the mightiest Being to ever walk the face of the earth /

Our time will come / it was promised by our prophets / written in our Scriptures that a Messiah will come to our people / yes but when? / who knows? / we must wait and have patience / I have waited all my life / a day and a night our people have waited over seven hundred years / we had leaders before: Jeroboam the younger / Judas Maccabee / Hezekiah / it will be well worth a hundred centuries of waiting for the Greatest of all /

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