Novaa & Louane
Novaa & Mulay & Ayelle
Novaa & LIE NING
Novaa & Emily Roberts
Novaa &
Super, super, supernovaa
Super, I'm super, I'm supernovaa
Nothing weighs heavy on my two shoulders
I'm super, I'm super, I'm supernovaa
This is your time
It's no longer time to be small
Explore, expand and illuminate
To your fullest and beyond
You are a star, you always have been
Acknowledge that
Embrace that
Appreciate that
Acknowledge yourself
Embrace yourself
Appreciate yourself
Know that in time your light
The light which shines from your core
Will reach into infinity
Giving love, hope and beauty to all it graces
And it's your time to nourish your fire
So that you might burn brighter, bigger
And not deny yourself any chance of being the free
And the necessary supernova that you are
You are loved, so keep going
There's so much more for you than you can even imagine right now
So be free
Move forward and believe that you are
Because you are
You are a supernova
Shine boldly
Shine courageously
Take the space
Even though you may be in fear
Move forward with belief
In all that you know is waiting for you