The Top P0** Searches by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)
The Top P0** Searches by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)

The Top P0** Searches

Gabbie Hanna & Irene Walton * Track #2 On Box of Thoughts: Transcripts

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The Top P0** Searches by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)

Release Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Performed by
Gabbie HannaIrene Walton
Produced by
Dustin Knouse & Kast Media
Writed by

In Episode 6 of Box of Thoughts

Gabbie Hanna and Irene Walton talk about Amish people from the reality TV show Breaking Amish, and go on an adventure of what the most top porn searches, which they discuss how weird porn is

The Top P0** Searches Annotated

[Plays the instrumental of "Honestly" by Gabbie Hanna]

Gabbie Hanna: We’re rolling, what?
Irene Walton: I have a question [Chuckles]
Gabbie Hanna: Okay, what's up?
Irene Walton: Do you guys have anybody on Instagram that you're like obsessed with for no reason?
Gabbie Hanna: Whoa- I had no idea you're gonna come out the gate like this, What's up Irene?
Irene Walton: [Stumbling] I- well- there's just this- I only asked, because this girl literally-
Gabbie Hanna: I for sure need to turn you down because you're extra excited today [Giggling]
Gabbie Hanna (Far from the mic): Which one is it?
Dustin (Far from the mic): Third, one
Gabbie Hanna: Go ahead, talk
Irene Walton: Is this better? Hello?
Gabbie Hanna: Oh yeah, my ears aren't bleeding now. Thank you~ No, it was up very high. Okay “Somebody I'm obsessed with on Instagram”
Irene Walton: Like- At somebody whose you always like- For me, it's this girl from like middle school- Actually I guess my elementary school. Uh, who we went to middle school and high
school together also, and we were never like friends
Gabbie Hanna: Mm-hmm
Irene Walton: But she just like, is so intriguing to me like-
Gabbie Hanna: Why?
Irene Walton: She just lives this life, and they've all- I've always thought this about her where I just feel like she's just always like “Yeah, I'm fine” and like she'll post an- [Giggles] she'll post an Instagram story “I'm at my boyfriend's Christmas party, and I took tequila shots with his boss and like now I'm drunk, and he's mad”
Gabbie Hanna: For real? That's actually really funny
Irene Walton: Yeah, and so it's like but she doesn't do it to be funny like she's just such a- she's an anomaly of a person and it's just- I'm so obsessed with her, and me and my friend Kaya always check on her Instagram and like report back to each other
Gabbie Hanna: Nice!
Irene Walton: You guys have anybody like that?
Gabbie Hanna and Dustin: No
Irene Walton: Really?
Gabbie Hanna: No, every once in a while, I go down a rabbit hole through with, Uh, I’ll go when I'm with Taylor or something, we'll talk about people from high school, and just
be like “What the fuck, is David doing now?”
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: And like there's this one guy who we went to high school with who was like, ‘the hottest guy’ he transferred from, Um- a Catholic school like in the middle of high school, or junior high, or something. And he came out of- And yeah, he’s like super hot, and he was like the hottest guy in school, and now nobody knows where he is. [Chuckling] Like he's gone
Irene Walton: [Laughing] Oh Jesus
Gabbie Hanna: he has the lowest profile like, has not posted anything, anywhere, does not talk to anybody, we're like “Where the fu- where is he?”
Irene Walton: you know, you know what I do a lot?
Gabbie Hanna: What?
Irene Walton: is I'll look up the Instagrams of- like people on the reality shows that I'm watching from like 2009
Gabbie Hanna: Oh! Me too!
Irene Walton: You do?!
Gabbie Hanna: I've been doing that with “Breaking Amish” because there's nothing better than a former Amish with Instagram, it's so-
Irene Walton: what are there's like?
Gabbie Hanna: Oh my god, it's so good.
Irene Walton: There's really like, “Look at this hairdryer”
Gabbie Hanna: No [Scoffs]
Irene Walton: It’s like a picture of a disons
Gabbie Hanna: I did look up, Um- The hot one from “Welcome to Platteville” though- Micah?
Irene Walton: Oh, How is he?
Gabbie Hanna: He's so hot and also-
Irene Walton: [Laughing] He also he's kind of a butter face, though right?
Gabbie Hanna: What? No
Irene Walton: Micah?
Gabbie Hanna: He's very beautiful
Irene Walton: I feel like his face is a little like- [Weird noise]
Gabbie Hanna: I don't know, I- I think he's hot I think they're out actually pretty cute
Irene Walton: They are- they are pretty cute I just think his-
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: I just think Micah's body is very well
Gabbie Hanna: Micah's body's phenomenal, He would only be considered a butterface, if his body's at 20, and his face is a 10. You know what I mean?
Irene Walton: [Chuckling] I think you love Mica
Gabbie Hanna: He's really attractive, and Uh- very athletic, but he has Instagram which is cool because, Uh- They were raised like they weren't allowed to have social media
Irene Walton: Yeah, yeah, yeah
Gabbie Hanna: But then when they all turn 18 they're all slowly- Okay for people who don't know, We're talking about ‘Welcome to Platheville’ now but ‘Welcome to Platheville’ is a show about this the Plath family, there's I think, 10 kids, and uh- in the 10 kids- like they weren't allowed any sugar, like the kid was 21 years old when he had his first coca-cola, uh- so they've never tried any desserts, they uh- they've never watched TV or movies they never, they weren't allowed to listen to secular music they can only listen to Christian rock, and gospel so they're like- they live on a farm they're not allowed to have friends or socialize
Irene Walton: They don't play instruments right?
Gabbie Hanna: They all play instruments but they don't they're not allowed to play instruments with other people except the family, so they're all pretty much like
Irene Walton: Oh geez
Gabbie Hanna: I mean now that I'm like saying it, it's like the family itself is a cult, and nobody else is invited, you know what I mean?
Irene Walton: [Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: They're not evangelical type people who are like “Joining the Plath family”
Irene Walton: Sure, sure, sure
Gabbie Hanna: They’re- but the backstories are actually really sad of the family, They- The mom, um- her mom was like an alcoholic, and I forget what the story was with her dad, but she basically never had a family growing up, so she- Her family is so important to her that she was like ‘I'm gonna make this family where nothing can tear us apart, no drugs, alcohol-’
Irene Walton: She’s just like ‘I'm gonna make a whole city’
[Both Chuckling]
Gabbie Hanna: Who's she pretty much did, there's ten kids, um- but then, the dude I told you the story about the kid?
Irene Walton: So, you and I watched the first two episodes together
Gabbie Hanna: Are we spoiler alerting this?
Irene Walton: I mean, I think everyone has seen it
Gabbie Hanna: Spoilers for the Plath family- Really?
Irene Walton: I don’t know, I think it did get a weird kinda cult- no pun intended cult
following on TLC
Gabbie Hanna: I mean it's really interesting, I wonder if there’s a new episode out
Irene Walton: You, and I watched the first two episodes
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, and then I watched some more without you
Irene Walton: Yeah, and I don't have ’TLC go’ or whatever, so I haven't been able to watch it so after the first two I have no idea what happens, and then you filled me in on something that happened about the baby
Gabbie Hanna:Yeah, listen I'm gonna tell everybody right now spoiler alert, maybe this will make you watch the show, So there- they have ten kids, we know all the kids, and then they start talking about this son that they lost, and we’re like "damn, this is like so sad that she lost this son" and then they're like showing pictures of him, and like his baby clothes and then they say "It was just a horrible, horrible accident" and I was like "damn like what happened? like they live on a farm, it could have been like farm equipment it could have been like a tractor like the baby could have gotten into like anything can happen"
Irene Walton: [Inaudible]
Gabbie Hanna: Dude I think about babies all the time I'm like ‘damn if you have a baby it's like all day you're like is my baby gonna die?’ that's all I can't I don't even have a baby in all day I'm like ‘Yo, is your baby gonna die?’
Irene Walton and Dustin: [Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: It freaks me out it’s so easy to kill a baby, it’s so like-
Irene Walton: Yeah, only if you hold its head wrong it's a serial killer
Gabbie Hanna: Yo, like this baby, swallowed a watch battery now that baby's dead, and now that family is straight up They lost-
Irene Walton: Which baby?
Gabbie Hanna: I just like read the story about a baby like this family was like “Hey everybody make sure you like don't have any watch batteries accessible, even on the floor, like if you drop it make sure you find it, cuz it will kill your baby from the inside out” it's so fucking scary dude like there's glass, and like if you spill some like chicken on the floor, and-
Irene Walton: You know a baby died by honey in the first year
Gabbie Hanna: It’s fucking crazy how easy it is to kill a baby
Irene Walton: You know what's crazier is how much trial and error there
to go into to figure out what you can’t do
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah like if you like spill a little bit of chicken juice on the floor when you're making dinner, and then the baby like touches it, and then like puts it’s hand in its mouth- the baby has salmonella, salmonella? Salmonella
Irene Walton: Dude, it's far too eas- it's-
Gabbie Hanna: It's too easy to kill a baby
Irene Walton: And like- but I mean, I guess it's good cause most moms are like very diligent
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, but like-
Irene Walton: All three of us are alive
Gabbie Hanna: If I have a baby I'm never sleeping because like-
Irene Walton: No, that's why you don't sleep the feels like two years
Gabbie Hanna: Yo, baby straight up, died in their sleep
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: And it's horrifying
Irene Walton: Sudden infant death syndrome
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: If there's a name, that happens because something has happened so often happens too often
Gabbie Hanna: It happens too often and there's got to be a cause so- anyways shout out to all the mothers out there because-
Irene Walton: And the fathers
Gabbie Hanna: and the father's out there, yeah of course fathers they're probably scary shit their baby was killed
Irene Walton: Yeah, my dad was a “Stay at home dad”
Gabbie Hanna: Dude, shout out to all the parents out there, fucking-
Irene Walton: Shout out to everybody [Chuckles]
Gabbie Hanna: Who is scared all the time
Irene Walton: Who was was a baby and didn't die shout out- one time I saved a
baby's life
Dustin: What?
Gabbie Hanna Okay go ahead
Irene Walton: so I was babysitting, and I usually babysit like you know- like four and up, like kids who can like walk, and take care of themselves somewhat. Um, but every once in a while I would babysit a baby, baby. Like a zero to one year old
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: And so, I was babysitting at like an eight month old ones, and the parents had just gotten home so they were excited to see the kid- it was like in the afternoon so everyone was still awake. They were excited to see the kid, they had to do something so they fucking for some god-awful reason they put the kid on a table, like a dinner table kind of vibe but the table had a bunch of playing cards on it like somebody had been playing solitaire or something
Gabbie Hanna: Ohhh
Irene Walton: And so I'm trying to get all my shit together to leave because they just got home and I don’t want to be in the house when somebody else is in there [Disgusted noise] Um, and so they had the baby on here, so I was just kind of watching him as I was getting stuff together and they're gone, and this baby is slipping then sliding around on these
fucking cards, falls off the table, thank god I caught him. And like I caught this baby and if I didn't come it would have been dead
Gabbie Hanna: Wow
Irene Walton: Or at least injured
Gabbie Hanna: Yo, imagine driving cars with your baby in it
Irene Walton: No thank you
Gabbie Hanna: I'm not doing it
Irene Walton: We're walking everywhere
Gabbie Hanna: I'm not going through a red light because, guess what? some people
run them
Irene Walton: Mm-hm
Gabbie Hanna: And that is scary, anyways back to this woman
Irene Walton: Yes
[Both Irene and Gabbie Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: Everybody listening is like “what happened?” so they set up the scene where like, you know it's a horrible, horrible accident it's like “oh my god like what happened in this baby?” so the the journey is, “damn you lost a baby?” and then you're like “Oh, probably sick or something”
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: And they're like “Wow horrible accident, oh my god what happened in this baby?” and then, it reveals- Spoiler alert, that she ran over her baby with her car
Irene Walton: Oh my god
Gabbie Hanna: And I- because I just imagine, like my biggest fear is hitting somebody with a car in the first place
Irene Walton Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: But imagining having a baby and then, not knowing your baby was about to like- it just feeling the ‘bump-bump’ and you’re just like “What the fuck is that?”
Irene Walton: Oh my god
Gabbie Hanna: And it's your fucking kid dude
Irene Walton: Was it- do you know if it was if the baby died on impact? or if they had to like take it to the hospital?
Gabbie Hanna: They didn’t go too far to detail, because she was like obviously very upset talking about it
Irene Walton: Yeah how could you ever?
Gabbie Hanna: Dude, god bless that woman for like surviving that, because i couldn't
Irene Walton: Yeah, talk about that on national television dude
Gabbie Hanna: To literally not die after that is like-
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: How do you survive? and then she was saying that like afterwards it was the most- she was like it “I- I couldn't do anything” she was
like “I- I didn't live for a year, like I was a ghost”
Irene Walton: Yeah of course not
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah and then like-
Irene Walton: I didn’t live for a year after my dad died, and he was like a
person who like lived his life, and did everything, and was just like whatever
Gabbie Hanna: And you didn't kill him also
Irene Walton: Yeah and I wasn’t the one who ran- Oh my god
Gabbie Hanna: Like losing a son it's hard enough, just yeah, yeah. Well the- the baby was like walking around so I had to have been like 1 or 2 years old
Irene Walton: I mean
Gabbie Hanna: but either way
Irene Walton: just anything, yeah. That’s
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: A parent- like that's what every parent says that their worst nightmare is like losing their kid before they
Gabbie Hanna: Which is like not the natural order of it
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: and I've you know I heard people speak about losing a kid how it's like the worst thing you can experience is losing your thing that you created because it's not natural so that end of itself is like so fucked, but then to blame yourself for that situation because I mean- accident or not like- yeah, how do you live with the fact that did that-
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: but honestly that she has incredible strength for-
Irene Walton: There were-
Gabbie Hanna: That was like a shocker, that was like a plot to us if like the year though and that she said that, it was like “Oh my god”
Irene Walton: Jesus Christ
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: There was another, I- for sometimes I get i to weird YouTube holes for a while it's like I watch “Penn & Teller foolís” clips, and then other times I watch like, Um- Oprah where
Gabbie Hanna: For the people who don't know Irene is [Deep voice] obsessed, with Penn
Irene Walton: I- I really okay, I love magic
Gabbie Hanna: Okay but do your first story first we gotta stop doing that
Irene Walton: Oh [Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: We’re so bad at that dude
Irene Walton: But see it’s fun, I like when people do that
Gabbie Hanna: I like too, but like- what's it like- I like when we talk but what's it like to listen to? we're doing it right now! Go Back [Laughing]
[Irene and Dustin Laughing]
Irene Walton: Um, Okay so one of my youtube holes is Oprah's “Where are they now?” even though I never watched “Where were they now?” in the first place
Gabbie Hanna: [Laughing] Where were they then? I don't know
Irene Walton: Who knows? I've never watched Oprah, Um- but Oprah had a very hard life by the way. Uh- just a- Just a quick sidebar, so she did aware they now about “The worst mother in the world” quote on- I'm doing air quotes for those of you who aren't watching “Box of Thoughts” in the “Box of Thoughts” YouTube channel. Um- and it was- I- Um- the I'm pretty sure you've heard about it, but it was like- I think 15-20 years ago or something, the mom who left her baby in the hot car
Gabbie Hanna: I mean there's so many stories of that so I have no idea which one you're talking
Irene Walton: that was- this was like the the main one that people talked about a lot, but it's- it's that same thing of like “She was like just it was a really busy morning and she thought she'd like she thought she had dropped her daughter off at daycare and she went to work which she was a teacher and administrator or something
Gabbie Hanna: she thought she dropped her baby off? Whoa
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: It's like when Kim Kardashian left a building and then went back in and then came back out with her baby. Do you remember? [Laughing]
Irene Walton: No, that's-
Gabbie Hanna: Paparazzi clips of her coming out, and like “oh shit” then she went back and then she came back out with North
Irene Walton: But see that's the things like that happens to parents all the fucking time
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: 100% and like we only know that because it's Kim Kardashian but like I guar- I guarantee you if I called my mom right now and say “Did you leave me somewhere” she’ll be like “Yeah, how many times what do you mean of course?”
Gabbie Hanna: I don't know I- I don't feel like I should- I- I don't feel like excusing this woman for leaving her kid in the car
Irene Walton: Oh I mean that's not what I'm saying
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: I'm saying that's just one of the like that's a terrible instance that happened, my mom left me at home when we were supposed to go to the doctor's, whatever but like-
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, like-
Irene Walton: Yeah she like left her baby in the car
Gabbie Hanna: that's like a neglect though
Irene Walton: Yeah, oh big-time
Gabbie Hanna: Like- well okay, I guess there's a difference between, like- she is a very, very overwhelmed person who like- genuinely was like “I dropped off my kid of course I did” and then whatever. I guess the bigger issue is when people are like “I'm just running into the store” real quick, and then leave their baby in the car because that's like an intentional dude, I knew this kid who- he like had a really traumatic life, and he pretends like he doesn't, but he told me-
Irene Walton: Like to face to face? or just because “I can handle it”
Gabbie Hanna: he's like I- I think that he doesn't like to express, Uh- like whatever but one time his parents and a heatwave left him in the car like- school was cancelled because it was such a bad heatwave and he they left him in the car to go shopping for barbecues and left him in the car for like two hours, and when they came back, they found him on the floor in the back seat with all of his clothes off, and he- as a kid was like “I'm gonna die” like he really thought he was gonna die and when he told me the story about he was like laughing about it because- because we- it was really hot in the car and he was like- “Uh- has given me
memories of when like this happened” Blah-blah-Blah, he's like laughing he's like “Yeah, is that crazy?” and I was like “Nah dude, That's abuse like this is-”
Irene Walton: You're like “That is crazy”
Gabbie Hanna: It’s really crazy you need to work through this [Chuckling]
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: ‘Cause you're not processing this the way you should be processing it
Irene Walton: That's heavy
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, it’s sad. Anyway ad reads

(Ad Break)

Irene Walton: We're back!
Gabbie Hanna: We’re back~
Irene Walton: Thank you for listening to the ads
Gabbie Hanna: Hell yeah- Ouch- Oh my God, my foot is so numb. Um- okay, there is something-
Irene Walton: Is there a needle?
Gabbie Hanna: I broke it, I sat on it too hard
Irene Walton: Oh
Gabbie Hanna: Okay so, I would like to see what the top searches on pornhub are today
Irene Walton: Of course
Gabbie Hanna: Because the other day, I was just on pornhub for no reason, or just curious
Irene Walton: Of Course
Gabbie Hanna: And it's had the number one search because I was searching because I preferences and-
Irene Walton: For your curiosity
Gabbie Hanna: Yes, it was “Frozen 2” which means, enough people on pornhub-
Irene Walton: I were like
Gabbie Hanna: Not just Frozen
Irene Walton: Oh
Gabbie Hanna: Frozen 2
yeah they wanted to see the new characters they were tired of just Ana and El-
Gabbie Hanna: They wanted to see olaf get down with, whoever the new characters are in the movie, because I haven't seen it so- the number one search today is “Shower curtain”
Irene Walton: What does it look like when you click on shower curtain?
Gabbie Hanna: “Cum on pawg after shower” but I don't see a curtain anywhere
Irene Walton: “Pawg” like the game like the disk?
Gabbie Hanna: “P-A-W-G”
Irene Walton: Oh
Gabbie Hanna: Is that a porn word that I don't know?
Irene Walton: I'm not sure
Gabbie Hanna: Should i google it?
Irene Walton: I’ll check
Gabbie Hanna: “Pawg?”
Irene Walton: I’ll see whats a “pawg” is
Gabbie Hanna: “a fat ass white girl” fat is spelled with a ‘ph’ “A fat ass white girl, girl with a fat ass, and his white commonly said by black males is a pawg" alright
Gabbie Hanna: I've never heard that either is it because
Irene Walton: oh it's an acronym got it
Gabbie Hanna: was it mean “fat ass white girl” with a p- got it, okay cool that makes sense because this is a fat ass white girl
[Gabbie and Irene Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: Okay so I also, did- I asked on my Instagram for you guys to just give me random words, because, I had this thought because one time I was on pornhub- not for any reason I was just curious, and one of the recommended videos to me was “Fucked up thot on a Walmart bathroom floor” and I was like “This is strangely specific” how much Walmart content is there? so I looked up the word ‘Walmart’ and a lot of fun things came up
Irene Walton: Yeah?
Gabbie Hanna: So now I just want to look up random words on pornhub and see what comes up this is, kind of like a Dane Cook bit, where he says something about the peanut butter smack, or something like he looked up the word peanut butter on- Oh- no, no, no he saw- he was like “This is just the weirdest name” okay so “pickle” well
Irene Walton: Oh
[Gabbie, Irene, and Dustin Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: That was Elli Moore, wants to see what happens- speaking of searching on pornhub, there are ten million, one hundred and seventy four thousand, two hundred, and sixty videos on pornhub for free. First of all-
Irene Walton: Yeah, why does anybody pay for a subscription?
Gabbie Hanna: Why does people pay for porn? Second of all, how?
Irene Walton: Do you know that porn actresses really don't make very much money like
Gabbie Hanna: No they don't at all
Irene Walton: No
Gabbie Hanna: Like they really don't and then they have to pay for their own travel their own hotels, their own hair, their own makeup-
Their own-
Gabbie Hanna: their own like lingerie, their own- yeah, yeah like they don't- they don't make money because- because it's- it's so saturated
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: like there's so many women who do it
they used make money 20 years ago
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah because it was like when it was really taboo, so to do porn was like you're basically like shutting down every other option it's like “I'm doing porn and that's what I'm doing”
Irene Walton: Yeah there’s-
Gabbie Hanna: So getting a woman to do porn was more difficult but now more people are feeling sexually free and doing what they want so like- but they're not being paid well they're
not being treated well- Rashida Jones did a documentary on it
Irene Walton: Really?
Gabbie Hanna: It’s really great it's on Netflix, what the fuck is it called? What's the porn documentary by Rashida Jones?
Dustin: Uh- I don't known porn is not my world unfortunately
Gabbie Hanna: Hold on for real?
Dustin: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: Rashida Jones- hold on documentary
Irene Walton: There is a girl in my college class, who like when we were all going around introducing ourselves they'd be like “what's your name? what do you do?” I was like “I'm Irene, I work here” and she was like “I'm- my name- and I'm a cam girl” and like nobody even bat-an-eye it was just like “yeah sure”
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, it's called “Hot Girls Wanted”
Irene Walton: [Gasp] That was her’s?
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: I came in a long time ago
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah and it shows the the dark side of the porn
Irene Walton: Yeah seems like for sure
Gabbie Hanna: they're not treated well, they're not paid well, it's not as safe as they make it to be, and there needs to be some type of regulation, and it also goes towards- I think it's that documentary because there's another documentary I was watching on porn and how it's so racist, Yeah a lot of the time too, and like the girls were just like saying like “I just don't understand why it has to say like “Big Black Cock” like can it just be “Big Cock?”” you know be like even the girls were saying that so yeah. Um- all right let's go back to we have to search pickle on pornhub which I have a feeling-
Irene Walton: I think it'll be funny though because that would mean that somebody is calling their dick a pickle
Gabbie Hanna: Dude one time, somebody sent me a porn that was a- it was a Thanksgiving special and the guy was making a turkey and then it turned into a woman on her- like curled up like a turkey
[Irene Chuckling]
Gabbie Hanna: And then he fucked her on the turkey platter and then she turned back into a turkey
Irene Walton: That's hilarious
Gabbie Hanna: And then he was fucking the turkey
Irene Walton: That's brilliant
Gabbie Hanna: yeah
Irene Walton: That's just perfect direction that's what I call that
Gabbie Hanna: That is ok “Pickle” too much porn exists stop shooting it
[Gabbie, Dustin, and Irene Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna:we don't need it anymore we will never run out of content you known what I'm so- so-
Irene Walton: Someone is getting fucked with pickle
Gabbie Hanna: Incredibly just satisfied, and happy with the result this woman does she did put a whole pickle inside of her
Irene Walton: ‘Course- [Shocked Gasped] Oh- Ew- It came out at once
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, wow
Irene Walton: Oh god putting that in you? There so much vinegar
Gabbie Hanna: “Si- Sister puts pickle up ass to trick nerdy brother into anal”
[Shocked] What?
Gabbie Hanna: “Fucking Pickle Rick”
[Irene and Dustin Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: Damn, I'm so happy I thought I was just gonna get a bunch of videos about-
Irene Walton: Normal dicks
Gabbie Hanna: “This fat long pickle isn't taking the place of dick sad face” “porn-stars eating” this girl's just eating a pickle. Yo, I'm so pleasantly surprised
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: “One pickle in my pussy” because I thought that I was just gonna get a bunch of content where guys were calling their dicks pickles but this did not disappoint
yeah I mean it was either one of the two
Gabbie Hanna: However I do wish, that these women were using cucumbers, and not pickles
Irene Walton: Yeah because all the vinegar
Gabbie Hanna: All the vinegar cannot be great for your ph
or it could be good for it depending
Gabbie Hanna: I don't think so- “uwu” you know that u-w-u think that people do online that's supposed to be like
Irene Walton: Oh god if that's in a title that'd be hilarious
Gabbie Hanna: I'm very excited so I still don't known what “u-w-u” you means [uwu noise]
Irene Walton: No, it's like a face that they're trying to make of like
Gabbie Hanna: Somebody said it was a sound
Irene Walton: Oh I don't know about that
Gabbie Hanna: Oh this would be a lot easier if I knew how to say “uwu”
Irene Walton: I feel like-
Gabbie Hanna: Is it a face?
Irene Walton: I think it's a face
Gabbie Hanna: so somebody might have been wrong, yeah it's a lot of people just putting that in the title and this is a girl fucking herself with her hairbrush, which we just talked about
Irene Walton: yesterday that's so weird
Gabbie Hanna: Crazy. Kumquat that's exciting please, please give me a fucking kumquat, please
Irene Walton: Dude, one of- one of the little girls that I have babysat before they got two kumquat trees to like plant [Laughs] in their backyard, and she named them and she named one “Kum” in one “Quat” so she's like “Oh I haven't watered Kum in a couple days” and I was like “You what?”
[Gabbie, Dustin and Irene Laughing]
Irene Walton: She's like “Kum my tree” and I was like “What are you saying?
[Dustin Laughing]
Irene Walton: She showed me
Gabbie Hanna: One time [Laughing] Oh I can't remember if this is actually if this actually happened or if it was just something I wrote into a stand up bit like I literally can't remember if it's real or not but I remember telling the story when I did stand up something that I thought this is an East Coast thing it turns out it's just a white-trash thing we would call boobs, “Crumb catchers” because like- and it was something that like I've heard a few times like women with like big, big grandma boobs like “Oh my crumb catchers” and they like brush the boobs off- off their chests when they were eating so then, like little kids like pick up on stuff like that, and I- and my little sister was “like look your crumb catchers” and i was like “Yeah” pretty much
[Irene and Dustin Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: so Irene has been trying to get me to play 20 questions
Irene Walton: Okay, okay, okay, okay
Gabbie Hanna: Okay yeah, What the fuck?
Irene Walton: Gabbie didn't know what 20 questions was
Gabbie Hanna: I knew what it was I had Um-
Irene Walton: Oh you just never played it
Gabbie Hanna: I- I thought that it was just a toy because I had a toy that was 20 questions that like did it electronically
Irene Walton: Yo, that toy is so good it always gets it right, dude no, that the toy is insanely good
Gabbie Hanna: That'd be so fun at parties
Irene Walton: Yes
Gabbie Hanna: Like when everybody's drunk
Irene Walton: Be like “yeah it's bigger than a breadbox”
Gabbie Hanna: Yo, I love my fucking party house
Irene Walton: Yo~
Gabbie Hanna: it's so fun to have like dinner and- and stuff just like there's karaoke there's like I spy books, there's like games, there's like just stuff to like do, but everybody ends up just drinking and talking anyway
Irene Walton: That’s so good
Gabbie Hanna: Karaoke gets lit though I need a better karaoke machine can you make a list, of things that i need to buy?
[Irene Laughing]
Gabbie Hanna: He's just my assistant now
Irene Walton: Hey, if you're looking. Um- it's just “yes or no questions”
Gabbie Hanna: Okay
Irene Walton: But like a lot of times people be like I mean you could have it in a house so like whatever
Gabbie Hanna: Okay
Irene Walton: Okay, Do you have your thing?
Gabbie Hanna: I have my thing
Irene Walton: Okay, Is it a person?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: Is it a place?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: Is it a thing “
Gabbie Hanna: Yes
Irene Walton: Is it alive?
Gabbie Hanna: and you only get 20 questions?
Irene Walton: Yeah
Gabbie Hanna: are they the same questions every time?
Irene Walton: Um the first like five usually are
Gabbie Hanna: okay no it's not alive
Irene Walton: it's not, okay. Um- is it, a household object?
Gabbie Hanna: Yes, what does that mean?
Irene Walton: Like is it in most people's homes
Gabbie Hanna: yeah
Irene Walton: okay um is it used for entertainment?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: Okay, is it, bigger than a breadbox?
Gabbie Hanna: I hate that example it's so dumb
Irene Walton: it is though
Gabbie Hanna: like I don't is it just a size- a loaf of bread?
Irene Walton: is it- is it bigger than a box of cereal?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: Okay, so it's not used for entertainment, it's not very big
Gabbie Hanna: It's like already there's a billion things this can be
Irene Walton: Of course, it's in most people's houses. do you have one in your house?
Gabbie Hanna: Yes
Irene Walton: Okay, Um- do I have one in my house?
Gabbie Hanna: yes
Irene Walton: Oh okay, is it used in the kitchen?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: For sure, Is it a part of something else?
Gabbie Hanna: No
Irene Walton: Okay
Gabbie Hanna: Wait what does that mean?
Irene Walton: Like is it the remote to a TV
Gabbie Hanna: oh no-
Irene Walton: Okay
Gabbie Hanna: kind of, no, no, no
[Dustin and Irene Chuckling]

The Top P0** Searches Q&A

Who produced The Top P0** Searches's ?

The Top P0** Searches was produced by Dustin Knouse & Kast Media.

When did Gabbie Hanna release The Top P0** Searches?

Gabbie Hanna released The Top P0** Searches on Tue Dec 31 2019.

What did Gabbie Hanna say about "The Top P0** Searches"?

On this episode of Box of Thoughts, Gabbie and Irene talk about Amish Instagram, how Irene saved a Baby, and what the most searched for porn was.

–Gabbie Hanna via YouTube

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