What’s In The Box? by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)
What’s In The Box? by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)

What’s In The Box?

Gabbie Hanna & Irene Walton * Track #1 On Box of Thoughts: Transcripts

Download "What’s In The Box?"

What’s In The Box? by Gabbie Hanna (Ft. Irene Walton)

Release Date
Tue Nov 26 2019
Performed by
Gabbie HannaIrene Walton
Produced by
Kast Media
Writed by

On this debut episode of Box of Thoughts we learn all about Irene and Gabbie. From where the name Box of Thoughts comes from, to hanging with John Stamos and Gabbie catfishing Bo Burnham. PLUS questions from fans!

What’s In The Box? Annotated

[Plays the instrumental of "Honestly" by Gabbie Hanna]

Gabbie Hanna: Hi guys! This is Box of Thoughts.
Irene Walton: Hi, welcome! Thanks for joining.
Gabbie Hanna: [Chuckles] This is a podcast I've wanted to start since probably like a year and a half and I just wanted to have my own studio in my house so that it was easy and convenient and consistent from the start. So I bought a house so I could have a podcast.
Irene Walton: Of course.
Gabbie Hanna: So here we are, um—
Irene Walton: Is that why everybody buys a house?
Gabbie Hanna: [Laughs]Of course! Um, I'm Gabbie Hanna. I am the host of this show. I am a writer, a singer, and now a podcaster. This is my best friend in the world, Irene Walton!
Irene Walton: Hello.
Gabbie Hanna: She is a baker and also a content creator and we are just best friends and we talk a lot to each other so we decided to—
Irene Walton: We figured, y'know our conversations are so good
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah
Irene Walton: Why don't we let other people in on 'em?
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, it would be selfish not to. So I want to tell everybody what box of thoughts means.
Irene Walton: [Dramatically Inhales] I love this story.
Gabbie Hanna: Jade have you heard this?
(Jade responds from behind the camera)
Gabbie Hanna: Okay cool so—
Irene Walton: Of course.
Gabbie Hanna: Oh wait— you heard it— Yeah okay I remember. So box of thoughts is this thing I do where I visually
remove things from my body. So it's- it's start— its physical as well so if I have cramps, for example, I will imagine opening up my
body, removing my uterus— my contracting painful uterus —I'll put it on the table and then I will watch it mentally contract and then the pain feels removed from my body.
Irene Walton: Yeah.
Gabbie Hanna: If I have a headache, I imagine popping out my eyeball or cracking my skull open so that the pressure from the headache can release. If my throat is itchy, unzip my throat scratch up in there. It genuinely helps. I don't know if that- probably a little crazy.
Irene Walton: Well no. I feel like that's definitely a thing that like- it- when you're in like kinesiology school, they're like "just imagine the pain leaving your body" and that's the—
Gabbie Hanna: Is that a thing?
Irene Walton: Yeah.
Gabbie Hanna: Okay cool.
Irene Walton: Like I feel like this is just a more thought-out version; more visual version of it.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah. Yeah. Have you ever seen the guy?
Irene Walton: Woah— I was so excited—
Gabbie Hanna: Okay, I'll get back to box of thoughts. We're very scattered here. There's a lot of boxes— the guy who
doesn't touch you?
Irene Walton: Yes! Yes!
Gabbie Hanna: You know exactly what I'm saying! Okay people there's this man out there who will make you—
Irene Walton: He's just like— he's like— oh he's
like— oh, like hovers over you
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, he's not touching you but he will make you orgasm. It's a type of massage with no touch.
Irene Walton: Yeah. You know when in 2008, when
everyone did the like heart hump dance move and they— your hands above your heart and you do that
Gabbie Hanna: Irene.
Irene Walton: [Chuckles] He does that for an hour.
Gabbie Hanna: And then girls are just on the table violently orgasming and I am so fascinated to know if it was
some type of weird...
Irene Walton: ...prank or something?
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah!
Irene Walton: Yeah!
Gabbie Hanna: But can we find that guy, Jade? Make a note [Hysterically Laughs] I'll have him in this podcast.
Irene Walton: [Shocked then Smiles] I'm dead.
Gabbie Hanna: But... do you know what your
face looks like? [Both laugh hysterically] Is it embarrassing?
Irene Walton: I mean I think mine's pretty— I think my—
Gabbie Hanna: Don't pretend like you haven't done it in a mirror Rene
Irene Walton: I would never pretend to not (Unintelligble) I think it's— like it's not— it's not embarrassing to the point where it's like— I like contort my face a lot or something like it's definitely like a pretty generic [...]
Gabbie Hanna: Love that! Okay, so box of thoughts.
[Both Laugh]
Irene Walton: Okay, so you take out your uterus. When you— when you imagine taking out your uterus, is it like a very
like medical thing or can you just sort of like open it—
Gabbie Hanna: You just open it up. I don't have a five-blade [Laughs]
Irene Walton: No, but like do you imagine it as you'd like doing surgery or do you imagine as you just being like (Acts it out)
Gabbie Hanna: No, I just open it—
Irene Walton: Got it.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah it's like you— it's like—
Irene Walton: Of course.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, so with my thoughts. If I have
anxious thoughts— So I visualize my anxious thoughts as these long wiggly oil slick-looking people. They're like wacky inflatable waving arm people but they're—
Irene Walton: Inflatable arm-flailing tube-man
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, those guys but they're black and
greasy and—
Irene Walton: They're olive oil from Popeye
Gabbie Hanna: Yes. They're all olive oil sticks. So they're in the crevices of my brain so I close my eyes and then I locate the top of one and then I pull it out and then I can feel it and imagine it coming out of the crevices of my brain.
Irene Walton: Uh-huh
Gabbie Hanna: And then when I get all of it out it's in my
finger and it's wiggling around and it's freaking out and—
Irene Walton: [Makes Chewbacca sound]
Gabbie Hanna: Unnecessary but I'm here for it and then I put it in a box—put all them in a box, close the box, go on a walk—
Irene Walton: Do you tape the box or just close it?
Gabbie Hanna: I've never thought about it but now you're stressing me out.
Irene Walton: I'm sorry
Gabbie Hanna: Because maybe that's why my box— why they escape. So I put them in a box, I go on a walk, I go to a top of a hill, I leave the box, and then I walk away and it's really mentally
cleansing. Eventually, they break out of the box probably 'cause I didn't tape it and then they run after me but uh yeah that's— that's my box of thoughts. So basically this show is us just unpacking our feelings.
Irene Walton: I love it I need another place to unpack my feelings.
Gabbie Hanna: Right here, baby! Our text messages aren't good enough?
[Both Laugh]
Irene Walton: Our face times, our calls, our hangouts... I need more.
Gabbie Hanna: We...
Irene Walton: I need it to—
Gabbie Hanna: ....spend a lot of time together.
Irene Walton: I know and I love it.
Gabbie Hanna: Okay so back to these movies because they're— do you have weird images of movies in your brain?
Irene Walton: Yes.
Gabbie Hanna: That you have tried to find?
Irene Walton: Yes.
Gabbie Hanna: Okay, give me one.
Irene Walton: Okay I'll give you my main one that I think about. I'm gonna be honest probably like six times a year.
Gabbie Hanna: Hell yeah!
Irene Walton: I'm like what was that fucking movie?
Gabbie Hanna: Six times a year.
Irene Walton: Of course. Once every two months— and it was this movie that my— So my dad was an actor and he would take us to like his friends like independent films screenings.
Gabbie Hanna: I think we need to tell everybody: Irene's that is in fact dead. It is a big part of her personality and I love that.
Irene Walton: [Laughs]
Gabbie Hanna: It is! In the best way possible.
Irene Walton: Yeah, I talk about a lot so like—
Gabbie Hanna: Well, you honor him a lot.
Irene Walton: Yes.
Gabbie Hanna: Which is great like you— I love when you post to your story and you like tag him essentially.
Irene Walton: Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Gabbie Hanna: You're like thanks! If you have a good beer or something. Thanks, Frank! But yeah so go ahead.
Irene Walton: But yeah, we would always go to his end of it— like his friends' movie screenings and stuff like that. He wasn't like big-time or anything so we would just go to like a lot of indie
stuff. And there was this one kind of big film festival that we went to and there was— it was the fun-it was the funniest, most real movie I've ever seen. It was called like... and I can never remember the name but it was like this Christmas movie and it was all filmed on like a handheld camera and— but it was like a real movie that they made it was scripted and more or less. And it was just so funny. And it was just like the-the misadventures of this family on Christmas. And like how stressful it can be and all this stuff. And like... the Son comes out as transgender and they're like, "this is fine but nobody brought the turkey!" and like— it's just like— it's so— I remember it being so funny! but I was—
Gabbie Hanna: Do you think it would hold up?
Irene Walton: So here's the thing... I know I was like eight or nine when I watched it and so I always think, would it still hold up? And would I— What would I think of it now watching it? Like would I think it was funny? Or what I think it was not as funny? Or like whatever.
Gabbie Hanna: Probably not as funny, right?
Irene Walton: But also maybe I would like get it more. Like I'm sure there were so many like jokes and stuff I was just like, I'm eight years old.
Gabbie Hanna: Right. Right, like Simpsons. Like when they walk into the store and it's like stoners pot...
Gabbie Hanna: And then the guy walks out. And he's just like, "false advertisement man". I did not get that as a kid. Now I get it.
Irene Walton: Dude, and— ah, the Simpsons signs are my favorite thing. There was a whole thread on Twitter about
people being like look at all these signs. It was like thousands of tweets because of how good they are.
Gabbie Hanna: Okay I want to tell you about this movie.
Irene Walton: Fucking hook me up bitch.
Gabbie Hanna: Okay, I've been trying to find it and
Irene Walton: And of course Dustin knew it in two seconds.
Gabbie Hanna: No— Oh! Listen maybe Dustin's the
lucky charm. Okay I'm gonna describe this movie and—
Irene Walton: Oh this is a new one. This is not Tremors?
Gabbie Hanna: No, no, no. This is not Tremors. So leave it in the comments of this YouTube video or leave it as a 5-star review on anywhere else. I need to know— somebody has to know these movies! 'Cause I know for sure they exist and I don't remember if these two things are the same movie or two separate movies but I remember it impacted me soo much as a child that I
like cried about it for five years later.
Irene Walton: I have something like that. We'll get back to it.
Gabbie Hanna: So I was watching this movie where this
family was super broke. Their Russell lose their house they can't afford to eat; they're like in trouble. And then they won the sweepstakes where they win a freezer and a shopping spree of food. So like they were able to go get enough food to fill the freezer. So there was this big moment where finally in the
movie you're like "Ah! They got a break! Fuck yeah!". And then the electricity goes out, the power goes out, and all of the
food spoiled. And like the mom was soo just heartbroken by it. And it affected me soo much like what is this movie. And I was like, what is this movie? And then— I don't know if this was the same
movie or a different one but this— it was another type of situation where the family didn't have food. Okay now I'm understanding my psyche; I was really worried about having food and money as a
kid and that's why it stuck with me for soo long because I-I related to the characters. Got it. Moving on.
Irene Walton: Here we go, back to the movie.
Gabbie Hanna: Maybe I made it up. Could've been a dream.
Irene Walton: You're like, this was my life! [Laughs]
Gabbie Hanna: This was actually my mom and I misplaced it 'cause it was so traumatic. [Both Laugh]
Gabbie Hanna: So there were bottles of milk; glassed milk. And it was like the last food that these people had like they could not afford more food. And then I think the dad like knocked it out of her hand or something. And then the milk shattered on the floor. And then she got down on her hands and knees and she's like sobbing trying to scoop up the milk. And it's cutting her hands and the blood is getting mixed in with the milk.
(Irene looking disturbed)
It was just like this milky, bloody, cry, tear-filled liquid. And it's— I thought about it probably six times a year.
Irene Walton: [Laughs] Six times a year. Holy shit. Fuck, I wonder what that movie was.
(Gabbie takes a sip of water)
Gabbie Hanna: Mmm. Somebody, please find it. Somebody
please, yeah.
Irene Walton: Wow that's the beauty of this kind of thing where I bet somebody's gonna be like, oh that's blah blah blah from 1989 or whatever.
Gabbie Hanna: Or maybe not. However, tremors did really pull through.
Irene Walton: Hey! (Smiles) I can't to live stream that.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, di- You've never seen it?
Irene Walton: No. [Chuckles]
so my mom and I used to watch America's
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, I remember being very scared.
Irene Walton: So my mom and I used to watch America's Next Top Model all the time. There's on Wednesday nights at 9:00 p.m. And we-we started watching in season two. And so we got really invested. And I was like seven or eight. And that's when everything in my life happened apparently. And season two there's this girl named April. She's a beautiful girl and I remember she made it so far and she worked so hard and she got cut. Like the- One of the last last girls to get cut. And it affected me soo much like I cried when she got cut.
Gabbie Hanna: Damn.
Irene Walton: I went to school the next day and we had like a project [so] I wrote about it and my mom was like, "why do you care soo much about this girl April getting cut from the show?" And I was like I don't know! I just do! And then I watched Auntie [on] Amazon-Hulu. And so I watched that season again and I was like why did I care soo much? About this girl?
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah.
Irene Walton: It was weird. It was just one of those things that when you were a kid you like... (Acts it out)
Gabbie Hanna: Getting emotionally— You must have at the time related to her for some reason.
Irene Walton: I-probably.
Gabbie Hanna: Was she being bullied in the house or something?
Irene Walton: No, she was just like a very hard worker and she really wanted it and she just didn't get it.
Gabbie Hanna: That's-that's Irene; a hard worker, she wants it and doesn't get it. [Irene laughs hysterically]
Irene Walton: It was just foreshadowing my life.
Gabbie Hanna: I think you get what you want.
Irene Walton: I try, yeah.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah you-you've been killing it. I've been proud of you. You've been very persistent and dedicated to your work and I've been really proud of you.
Irene Walton: Thanks for the inspiration.
Gabbie Hanna: [Sarcastically eye rolls in a playful way] Oh, me?
Irene Walton: [Giggles]
Gabbie Hanna: Speaking of work, dude. I want to talk about this.
Irene Walton: Let's get into it.
Gabbie Hanna: People keep congratulating me on—
Irene Walton: Your music video?
Gabbie Hanna: No, on having a boyfriend. And...
Irene Walton: Of course.
Gabbie Hanna: It's very confusing how-how many people—
Irene Walton: What do you mean they congratulate you?
Gabbie Hanna: Like literally will walk up to me and say "Hey, congratulations on your man!" And I'm like "Hey, I have a best-seller and I've never heard from you"
Irene Walton: I top the charts multiple times.
Gabbie Hanna: I was a billboard top emerging artist like- Congratulations on your man? I went to a party last night that was a screening for something I did which would have been a great thing to congratulate me on [Laughs]
Irene Walton: So like you're on the screen as people are watching it for the first time? And they come up to you after and they're like, hey—
Gabbie Hanna: —great job on the man! And like hey, that's— but it's a testament to— First of all, I'm happy people are so happy for me because—
Irene Walton: Yeah, big time. The comments on your pictures with him are like the cutest thing I've ever seen.
Gabbie Hanna: But I've also never been public in a relationship before. So it's— I think it's shocking to people because I've had soo many boyfriends that nobody's ever seen or
heard of. So I'm just always this chronically single person to the world. So for me to be like "Hey look at this person I'm so— y'know proud to show off this person" is a big deal but also I just put out a fucking music video that—
Irene Walton: —was incredible.
Gabbie Hanna: I mean not to toot my own horn but I love doing that all the time. Beep. Beep. That was a great music video. And like I got way more—
Irene Walton: No, it was beautiful! It was so thought out and it was so-it was so great. And like it's stunning. And soo many people saw it. And like that's the thing but people are like "Yeah that's cool but also let's talk about Payton"
Gabbie Hanna: But I love that people are happy for me. [Chuckles]
Irene Walton: Yeah, he's very sweet. He's great-he's a great guy.
Gabbie Hanna: Yeah, how about your-how about your guy?
Irene Walton: He's a sweet little man, I love him! Well- he's great I like him a lot.
[Both Laugh]
Gabbie Hanna: Listen, I don't know-I don't know the turn around on these episodes but you better drop the L-bomb real quick because we're like [Unintelligble]
Irene Walton: I'm like - Hey! Michael love you! I just wanted to tell you really quickly just in case you heard it anywhere else.
Gabbie Hanna: [Laughing] That's the funniest thing that has ever happened to us. Hooooly shit Irene. I mean are you gonna tell him now?
Irene Walton: I guess I have to!
[Gabbie laughs more]
Irene Walton: When is the release date of this pod? Of course! Of course, it's Tuesday.
Gabbie Hanna: Fuck. You got— wait what day is today?
Both: Friday.
Gabbie Hanna: You have Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Irene Walton: And you know what's funny? Okay here's the thing. Michael's such a sweetheart he-he will like watch all the stuff I make, listen to all the stuff I make, and is soo sweet. And every once in a while I'll like say a story he's like "Oh yeah, I heard it on the podcast" So he won't be like "Hey I'm listening to the podcast you did". Like he'll just do it and I won't know.
Gabbie Hanna: Right, right.
Irene Walton: So like there's a good chance he could
listen to this.
Gabbie Hanna: Well of course he's gonna listen to this. It's your podcast. Y'know? Like you're co-hosting this shit. He's gonna listen to it. It's episode 1 Irene.
Irene Walton: Of course!
Gabbie Hanna: He's gonna listen to the podcast and you just— I mean you can clarify - Are you in love with him? Or do you just love him? 'Cause, you can back track—
Irene Walton: Y'know let's get back to Payton.
Gabbie Hanna: Oka- [Breaks into Laughter]
Irene Walton: What's really getting to—
Gabbie Hanna: Or hey, let's stop talking about men because we're strong independent career-driven women.
Irene Walton: Yes bitch!
Gabbie Hanna: And we don't need to talk about men.
Irene Walton: Yeah.
Gabbie Hanna: Hey, do you think having a boyfriend is bad for—
Irene Walton: [Breaks into Laughter] but real quick - let's get back into men.
Gabbie Hanna: Do you think having a boyfriend is bad for getting male viewership?
Irene Walton: Dude, I think it might be.
Gabbie Hanna: I think it might be too - what do you think? So should we cut it all out?
(Dustin from the back of the room): Yeah
Irene Walton: Oh, I'm dead.
Gabbie Hanna: Take it all back.
Irene Walton: Hilarious.
Gabbie Hanna: Now, we're all good.
Irene Walton: I-I was signing up for some like thing the other day about like influencers and whatever. And uh— which my manager was then like "Don't do that" and I was like "Oh, okay. Of course"

wait what it's like a it's like an
influencer to to brand it's like
mediator so yeah
I hate those yeah it's really annoying
in and I figured that out after I did
some more research and I wasn't like I
didn't like submitted or anything I was
just going through it and one of them
was like they ask you a bunch of
questions like what's your age what's
your sexual like sexual preference or
whatever and one of them was like are
you in a relationship currently and
usually it says like are you single
married or other yeah and this one said
are you single in a relationship it's
complicated data and it was like so
specific okay Facebook did you ever did
you make yourself Facebook official with
people when you were dating them oh I
think the only time there were two times
I was Facebook official with somebody
and here's oh no I probably my first
boyfriend one of them was I once had a
boyfriend for like two and a half hours
because it was this guy friend of mine
who we'd hung out and I knew he had a
crush on me but we'd never like even
cuddled like we never kissed like there
was never it never went anywhere and
then he lived in New Castle and I went
to college how was it Pitt and one day
he texted me and he was like will you be
my girlfriend and at this point I'm like
18 or 19 years old so I'm like oh this
is a joke that's not how you asked me to
be your girlfriend like there's we we
weren't there very we got something you
build up and then you're like all right
I'm sending the text so I think that
he's joking and then he sent me a
relationship request on Facebook and I
accepted it because I thought we were
just like doing like a big deal and then
he I forget how but I found out that he
meant it and then I was like we you know
we're we're not dating right and then he
got super pissed like deleted me on
Facebook it was very it was very
confused good and then the other time
was I had this boyfriend who had we were
long-distance and he cheated on me and
then one day like we had this big thing
where we he didn't want to be official
and I was like well why because you
don't want me to hook up with anybody
else and like you say you're not hooking
up with anybody else and why aren't we
and then yeah he actually said to me I
don't want to be your boyfriend because
I'm embarrassed because everybody and
their mothers thinks you're thinks
you're fat so this was the type of
caliber of man
that I dated for a while and then one
day I was like a romantic gesture he
just like sent me a Facebook request for
a relationship and I was like I was kind
of unfazed at this point and he was like
aren't you excited and I'm so [ __ ]
dumb that I'm again but like I wasn't no
of course and then I was Facebook
official with Bo Burnham
I just got chills I'm not kidding well
do you know this story I don't know if I
ever told you no I really would like to
get him on the show and talk to him
about it he's my favorite artist of all
time no me too so one day I I loved him
like as a fan obviously I didn't have
some type of weird delusion that him and
I were gonna end up it was just like a
funny thing that I was doing yeah but I
made Bo Burnham a fake facebook account
photoshopped my face into a photo with
him and then set us in a relationship
together and then added a bunch of
friends to make it look like a real
account i catfished with Bo Burnham
but it was all you it was a one-person
catfish yeah but he was like commenting
on my photos the actual him no of course
no like my fake Bo Burnham account was
liking my photos commenting on my photos
and then somebody like actually a lot of
PID think anybody was gonna believe it
because the photoshopped picture was so
bad yeah I think I thought it was
clearly ha ha ha seriously I was like oh
this is fun so then I kept doing it and
the words somebody changed his Wikipedia
page to being in a relationship with me
so like it said officially it was like
boomer name is dating Gabrielle
Jeannette Hanna the University of
Pittsburgh goes like this is bizarre
oh my god yeah and then I was green shot
of that Wikipedia page and anywhere
obviously it's my prized possession and
then we met in person because I went to
one of his shows sure and we got an
actual photo together and then I said
that is the profile pictures now we have
two photos together and it's just it got
way too intense and then way too many
people started believing it was like I
gotta stop doing this that's not funny
anymore because it now is now it's too
real entering like a weird dark realm of
this isn't funny and I've always
wondered if he knows that because one
time when he had his screening for
eighth grade I got an email from his PR
whoever setting was like hey like Bo
Burnham wanted to personally invite you
to this private screening like it's a
small like intimate thing and I was like
oh God like he he knows yeah obviously
he knows sure so then
I met him in person and I was like okay
who knows if he knows maybe they just
know I'm a big fan because like over the
years I've tweeted and talked to and you
dedicate your book to him in yeah I
dedicated my book to Bo Burnham because
he did inspire my book of course I wrote
it because he showed me that you don't
have to be like you can be the funny
person and still be deep and write
poetry and I've been writing poetry my
whole life it's not like I started
writing poetry because she's go Burnham
did but he's one who inspired me and
gave me the confidence to put it like
this is a thing that can I love his
career I love his career mom you know I
love everything about him
so my biggest fear was I was going to
walk into this screening and meet Bo
Burnham again and he was going to know
who I was
yeah because that means you know he's
seen everything I've done over there
what do you know so that's my biggest
fear I'm just going to be a crazy fan of
Bo Burnham yes so then um I walk in and
I'm like play it cool I'm not gonna walk
up to him but then it was just in the
situation where we were kind of close
together and then I was like okay I
gotta stop being a [ __ ] weirdo and I
turned to him and he goes Gabby it's
like [ __ ] but it's fine oh my god that's
so funny yeah and then how weird is this
like two days later I was walking down
sunset and bumped into him how I totally
bumped like physically I know but we
were walking the same way I was like
what's up and he was like hey gab and it
was just like this weird thing it's like
I've you know followed you since I was
15 years old yeah I go to your screening
and we have a real conversation and then
a day later pretty much I mean that's
just the universe you know yeah dude
yeah wow that's such I had no [ __ ]
idea that's so funny yeah yeah I was I
was a I am a fangirl Oh big time yeah
time I think my biggest fan girl things
are him um and Brendon Urie
and it was like kind of the same
situation me Brennan dude
meeting Brendon Urie was probably one of
like the coolest moments of my life
because I when I got the k-rock hit me
up and they're like hey we know you love
Brendan's doing a meet-and-greet outside
of the weenie row
if you want to go meet him so when I
went to go meet him I assumed like you
know I'm just gonna be in a lineup but
people I got their last I got there a
little bit late and then I walk in and I
say something along the lines up and I
have it all on camera so I'm like hey
sorry it's like creepy fan number 12,000
or something he goes oh no Gabby hi
what's up and I was like oh oh my god
and because that did you piss your pants
or what's up I don't know I'm sure I
embarrass myself I I was it's too hard
to look at the footage has inspired me
so much and like has helped me this this
guy's like helps me through my teen
years I thing to his lyrics like
blasting his music and now it's like God
you know me like that's [ __ ] sick so
he's always been like very kind and then
last Christmas somebody in a live stream
asked him thoughts on Gabby Hannah do
you know Gabby Hannah and he was like Oh
Gabby Hannah yeah she's dope like funny
girl talented girl and he's like I met
her last year and she was super sweet so
it just it was just a good cool moment
like when you're like idols kind of
recognize you yeah person yeah that's
[ __ ] so sick you know who else is rad
Oh John Stamos you have a coaster with
it he's one of the coolest [ __ ]
people on the planet sorry that sounds
like super name-dropping and it totally
is this is episode 1 I want you guys to
think I'm cool but no he was super dope
he didn't know who I was or anything
going into it like I met him it was like
hey like oh like you're the person who's
here for social media whatever and he
was just so down like - cuz there were
some other people who were very because
I was paid to be there to promote a show
um and there were some other people
instead who were treating me very much
sort of like a fan it was like I'm not
gonna take a selfie with her but I was
paid to be there to take selfies with
yeah that's like the yeah a lot of
people were kind of not there for and
then he was just like [ __ ] yeah you want
to do a video what's up and then in
other words he because we took selfies
on my phone
hmm he hit up the people who connected
us and he was like hey can you have
Gabby send me those selfies just like a
cool down to earth Zig yeah cuz here we
go he doesn't need to be cool he's
yellow is he still as hot as he was and
he gets hotter with it yeah he's just
one of those guys who like he's like
George Clooney
ouch I just feel a George you know else
I love young Marlon Brando a little bit
so yeah big time Harlan wins yo him -
yeah the way brothers um you know I'd
keep talking I'm gonna say something you
know that the guy who plays coach and
new girl no but you just reminded me of
the coach on Friday Night Lights oh god
yeah he's a sexy [ __ ] who's your
like right now big-time celebrity crush
hey town know I become celebrity crush
big-time celebrity rush I don't know I
guess um I don't know I think is that
like a 28 year old woman it's hard to be
like I have a crush on this celebrity
you know like who do you like what a
Mary I just who do you think is hot
right now uh I don't know who do you
think it's like I'm trying to think is
there's nobody who I like I mean I have
a very a lot of people think it's weird
but I don't I think it's stunning um Tom
Hiddleston the guy who played Loki and
the Avengers yeah is it what do you mean
that's a weird isn't he like known to be
very well when when people are like
who's your celebrity crush and I see him
they're like Oh him haven't you seen
Chris Hemsworth and I'm like yeah I have
have you seen Loki or what's up yeah
there's just like a different there's
different styles of ha yeah exactly
dude ugly hot have you ever heard that
term yes dude I love me a ugly hot dude
I think everybody is at least a little
hot in one way or another I think so too
everybody has something and you know
something that I've really grown into
because I think like up until maybe 23
24 I had the very stereotypical vision
of hot yeah that were given we're like I
think in my head it was probably mostly
the Kardashian style of hot or you know
like curvy and dark hair and like and
like very like essential yeah and then
as I just grew older I see like women
who are a little bit heavier and I'm
like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah and like I see
somebody who has a little wave issue
yeah I'm like oh that's such a cool gap
and now I have such a different vision
of what hot is or others and it's I
can't remember the last time I would
even think to look at someone and be
like oh they're not attractive for real
even crossed my mind yeah like whether
somebody's like good-looking or not and
I think that's um that probably comes
with age yeah big time well because when
you're you know 13 through 18 when
stuff's like really hard and like you'd
you don't know who you like or why you
like them or whatever it's happening you
just know that like when you see
somebody your heart like freaks out
that's like purely physical and also a
lot of it is like you're watching so
much TV and like all the kids on Disney
Channel like look a certain way or what
yeah and so it is very easy to be like
oh this is what hot is and I'm not that
into what [ __ ] well that's the thing
yeah I didn't think I was hot either
it's not like I was looking at all these
girls like she's not hot she's not she's
not hot I just thought there was a very
few select yeah well who were hot yeah
and now that's just like not real and
I'm glad that living in LA we get a sad
story of course there was this girl who
I've gone to like a lot of different
places to get like facials and stuff so
if you've seen me go to one of these
places like you don't you don't know the
place I'm talking it's not any
particular one yeah but um there was
this young girl there who was doing some
type of work there I don't know exactly
what she was doing but she was in the
room with me and she I think was 16
years old she worked there was she going
forth it she was working there she was
doing some type of like dasker manage
like administrative stuff but she was in
the room with me and she was talking
about all of these procedures she needed
done and one of the things that she said
was a chin implant and I'm looking at
this girl and I'm like she was like and
I know I just said you know everybody's
hot but this girl was hot well yeah I
think anybody like a generally
attractive she's objectively a gorgeous
sixteen year old girl I think the only
thing that she could have used was like
braces to bring her teeth in a little
bit but she was saying that she wanted
to get a chin implant to bring her chin
up because she said her mouth was
protruding and that's why I said I think
that she would benefit more from braces
because her mouth was protruding a
little bit but like could be easily
fixed with braces yeah and she's like
yeah I need a chin implant and you know
it's really hard growing up in this
environment cuz me I think I was with
Sydney and we're like why do you why do
you think you need that like you're
you're really pretty like why would you
feel that way it's 16 years old and
she's like I don't like to think just
like growing up in this environment in
this was you know 16 for 16 she said she
was 16 oh when we were like oh you mean
like LA and she said no I mean like in
like plastic surgery because she's like
oh this doctor is my dad and I was like
oh and I was like so did your did your
dad tell you you need a chin implant and
she said yes and I was like damn that
[ __ ] sucks dude because like she was
genuinely so [ __ ] pretty
and like I said like yeah her mouth was
a little protruding get some braces
bring it back like you don't need a chin
and play-doh need plastic surgery right
now yeah you know me I'm Pro plastic
surgery you want to get it for sure or
whatever but at 16 it shouldn't even be
like a thought in your mouth because you
don't like women don't stop developing
physically until I think like 25 or
I think women stop around 18 19 men stop
at 25 oh for sure either way like she's
too young dude yeah and I even have that
in your in your in your brain is crazy I
had a friend one of my late closest
friends when I was growing up her dad
was a plastic surgeon and he's like no
[ __ ] way my touch a new girl like
you're perfect you're my daughter you're
stunning yeah and so it's just crazy to
think that like so yeah that was really
sad but then Sidney and I were both like
you're you're really pretty like and I
said to her do you want it and she goes
not really and I said so why are you
saying that she goes well because you
know my dad said I need it and I was
like but do you think you would look
better with it she goes I I don't think
my face is that bad and I said because
it's not you're stunning and she
literally went do you really think so
and me and Sidney both went yeah you're
really hot oh and she went oh thank you
like she was so touched as a fast yeah
yeah that anybody somebody was like no
you're great the way you are like you're
really pretty you don't need that so
that sucked
that'll create I mean I since I grew up
like in LA it was always a thing that
like people talked about like a lot of
girls in my high school for their 16th
birthday got like nose jobs or boob jobs
or whatever yeah yeah and that was
always just so crazy to me because my
parents were always very much of the ilk
of like you're perfect you're stunning
you're great like what don't even put on
makeup yes so foreign to me because I
grew up in New Castle Pennsylvania like
nobody in New Castle Pennsylvania I
don't even know if there is a plastic
surgery center in they'd have to go out
to Pittsburgh or somewhere in Ohio to
but that was such an that is so weird
and I remembered I went to college and
everybody was like oh yeah like we a lot
of the girls there were from Jersey and
they all had nose jobs a lot of them had
two boob jobs and I was like this it was
just foreign to me yeah totally cuz I
think you know somebody those people are
just so young
a lot you know a lot of girls when they
got breast implants that young as adults
they're like I wish I'd done that
because it's heavy in a lot and it just
seems like I don't know it just seems
like so much reaching a place though
where people are becoming more and more
accepting and I think things like that
are like I think we look at girls with
small boobs and medium boobs and crooked
boobs I have crooked boobs and it's just
like you're pretty or maybe that's just
us because we're in this culture of
dance and like but that's the thing is
like it just it might be like so
antiquated to say but like it really
does seem like people are like born with
the bodies they're supposed to have and
the hair color they're supposed to have
and like yeah I changed my [ __ ] a lot
but like it like I think like my boobs
suits me and your boobs with you and
like everyone's like boobs kind of fit
and like if you want different stuff
like for sure go for it but there is so
much beauty and just like the little
imperfections and all that stuff and
it's like more fun I'm at the age where
I've started really enjoying like my
lower belly pouch I've always hated it
and now I can't wait to get to bed yeah
28 I'm just I look at statues of like
Greek goddesses yeah the paintings that
we're done and you know the old oh my
god I'm trying to think of like the
Renaissance and all of these women have
this lower belly fat all of these women
are and it was a sign of like you're
[ __ ] doing good babe
yeah and I think I'm kind of this I
think this knee injury actually has
really opened my eyes to I don't have to
be so obsessed with working out and I to
break down Jade was actually in the car
where I just had this realization of oh
[ __ ] like this is so much of my life
where if I don't go to the gym in the
morning I'm thinking about it for the
next five days yeah well I skip a day
and now I'm like well whoever said I
have to train every day whoever said
that I have to like have this six
you never said that and I don't really
care I still want to be healthy I still
want to be strong but do I need to work
out seven days a week no maybe not
definitely not like once my knees better
probably probably get back to that real
quick no I get that for sure I there's
still like a lot of stuff like I don't
love about my body yet but like you know
part of its just like dude let's
introduce that segment that you created
guys Irene came up with a segment that
we're gonna start when we do have guests
we're gonna ask them it's called body
negativity I think it's very funny where
she thinks that people should be able to
openly talk about the things they're
insecure about yeah and be negative
about something about themselves and
just let that go
yeah well all of us want to be like oh
my god you're not fat you're not you
don't even know his job like just say it
just say like in there's so much and is
and this is not me hating on this
movement I love so much that self-love
and body positivity has become such a
big thing everywhere like all over the
place and I think that that's so chill
and wonderful and I'm a big proponent of
it but I also think proponent yeah I
also think you should be like a
proponent is like a you're like oh
you're a part of it like you're you're
the reason the movement supporter
advocate oh yeah sure and like I think
it's super great but there are sometimes
like I don't want to be told to love my
stomach cuz I don't yeah is that would
you say you're your biggest insecurity
yeah for sure like just like just be
different maybe like interests a little
but like I just don't like the way it
looks right now I've never liked the way
it looked even like in the best shape of
my life like it's not so crazy is I
think all of us have these things where
we look at ourselves and we notice it
and we know nobody else knows yes we
know that like you know for a fact yeah
I've seen you naked a hundred times
yeah and never once have I been like
Irene stomachs don't like Oh guys you
like hook up with or whatever there's
never been a dude
that you've been with who's been like
stomach and you know that I've asked
Michael my boyfriend I've asked him I've
been like if he's like how are you
feeling I'm like oh I'm kind of insecure
about my stomach or whatever he's like
what do you what exactly I'm like you
know it kind of does this thing he's
like what are you literally talking
about I've no idea if we know that
nobody gives a [ __ ] we know that why do
we give it we don't give a [ __ ] that we
give a [ __ ] because the only reason we
would give a [ __ ] is we're insecure that
other people might give a [ __ ] but it's
all about what it does it's the same
thing of like if I had a huge pimple on
my face every single person this room's
had a pimple on their face but why do I
care that I have it right now yeah but
sometimes like it's cystic pimples and I
know that everybody's looking I just
want to get my botox and I said simple
and Joanna goes oh yeah it's really big
[ __ ] she went do you want me to pop it
for you and I was like wait is that part
of your thing she goes no I just want to
do it like she's not like certified to
pop pimples and she spent 10 minutes
squeezing the hell out of my pimple and
it work yes it did and it hurt like a
[ __ ] but I was numb because I
got chin injections so I didn't really
feel it at all and she just like she was
like oh my god like so my perfect storm
is coming out yeah that was a good time
do you like popping pimples and stuff
you have no idea it is I mean I think
doesn't everybody love popping pimples
no I love it what here's the thing would
you point to when you said that she was
shaking her head oh there's no shaking
my hopping pimples
listen part of my night routine is
squeezing Peyton's blackheads and that's
just part of what we do do you want to
oh my mr. gross actually no way my old
my old friend who I was very close with
she had a boyfriend and like you know
when you're like two everybody listening
to audio all they heard was this is too
gross nevermind so my old
oh yeah Gabi said give it to me [ __ ]
and the cutest chick Gabi always goes
like this when she wants to hear more
she you know when you like play around
your boyfriend you like bite their
cheeks and whatever just like couch it
yeah you know what don't you bid his no
no and the pressure for my bite caused
is blackheads to squeeze out this is too
much should I stop now he's about to
tear up okay oh my god that's the
grossest thing I've heard [ __ ] now it's
in my head and I can't remove it because
I want to keep talking about it because
wow [ __ ] har did you and what are you
doing or oh my god she's having a very
hard time guys I'm sorry I caused this I
clean your [ __ ] if there's that much of
an eruption when you touch something she
had one that my blood nose bled all over
somebody yeah yeah like when I was like
15 years old though so like if I if it
happened at 20 I'd be like sorry babe
at 15 if you nosebleed on a man's face
cuz you're making out you got a
nosebleed and like I pulled up and he
goes I don't remember who noticed at
first but his face was covered in blood
loving aggressive kisser
dude no it's just like I just had a
nosebleed but another time when I was
making out with somebody I had just
gotten nose injections for anyone who
doesn't know I get nose injections to
straighten my nose and it it popped and
then the filler in my nose
they've slid from where it was in my
nose to the very tip of my nose
everybody know when they say pop was
there an audible noise like it was a
like I've heard it and felt the pressure
I was like [ __ ] weird but I thought
it was just you know when you crack the
cartilage someday yeah I thought it was
that but there was just something yeah
it was really your heavens yeah but dude
kissing and [ __ ] is weird
Mike Birbiglia has the funniest thing he
has the funniest bet he's like people
always get mad about you know gay
marriage and two dudes making out he's
like I don't want to see anybody making
out it's gross yeah it is really nasty
it's a lot and there's the sound that
goes along with it is very easy I'm not
gonna lie sometimes the way I kiss and
like like it's it's good though you
don't even like you know like when they
show the very hyperbolic version of
kissing where two people are literally
like touching the tips of their tongues
together yeah that shit's hot okay
you're doing it right and yours like
lightly licking somebody's lips Oh 100%
yeah but it looks like I think about it
all the time I pull myself out for a
minute and imagine a few boxes yourself
out of the situation dude some I've been
having these experiences lately when I'm
under the influence where I feel like
I'm seeing myself through somebody's
eyes and not in like an empathy way but
in just physically you're watching a TV
show of yourself or something like I can
like if I like laugh or make a joke or
do something I can see what that person
is thinking about it or like I don't
know I think it happened a lot when I
first started dating Peyton like where I
would catch a moment where I'm like oh
damn like he just like felt something
there yeah you know what I mean it was
this really weird almost out-of-body
experience I've been having where I'm
just very maybe it's just um
self-consciousness more thought now that
I'm thinking about it but is it
something that you like feel weird about
I know it feels like a psychic thing
like it doesn't this sounds dumb I don't
want to get down this rabbit hole
because then I'm gonna have to start
talking about how I'm psychic and that's
just like a whole other box of worms
then I can't get through today but box
of tremors I'm dead okay so every week
we're going to answer questions concerns
or just like thoughts like you don't
have does that be a question just give
us something you can ask advice you can
ask a question about something else I
can ask a personal question you can just
give us a story this is our your box of
thoughts oh great so you can just talk
to us about it great so let's let's get
into the box of thoughts oh yeah oh this
one's very sweet don't start very sweet
why not I could use a little positivity
today what do you two love about each
okay I'll start this is good because
this the viewers can kind of get to know
each other like
they're gonna get you to know you the
way I know you Irene is an everybody who
meets Irene knows this she is the most
pure loving wants everybody to be happy
will do anything for anyone like
thoughtful kind person in the world like
Irene's the type of [ __ ] who will text
you three times a day just to be like
how are you doing lady and like or if
she knows you had a bad night the night
before she'll say like how are you
feeling or if she knows you're sick like
she's the person who's going to hit you
up and check in like she's what a friend
is she's like the definition of check on
your friends she's drop everything if
you're sad like one time I think this
was recently I think you were coming
home from work or something or you're on
your way somewhere and I was kind of
down and she's like do you want me to
stop by and I was like now it's fine
I'll see you tomorrow
and then like 15 minutes later I get a
somebody rings my doorbell and cyrene
you know what I mean what was that like
three weeks ago or something yeah so
like she's just like the best friend and
I Haiti everybody in the world does not
have not even a person like you who
doesn't have you because there's nobody
like you you are one-of-a-kind
you are the love of my life you are my
soulmate you taught me what friendship
is you are understanding and empathetic
and I could I could go on for a [ __ ]
year so that's one thing I love about
you is you're it's an incredible perfect
person that's incredibly sweet thank you
okay strap in the thing I love it's hard
to say one thing I love about Gaby
because one leads to another and then it
goes on for a while but I have never met
somebody so
so honest and like not afraid to be
honest and like stands up for like you
don't just stand up for yourself you
stand up for the people you love you
stand up for the people you don't love
you stand up for strangers and like I've
never been somebody who can stand up for
myself and you've taught me so much
about that like like even just like just
simple [ __ ] that I'm not good at you're
like Irene you're working you should get
paid for your work Irene this is like a
thing that's happening and you need to
understand like you've just taught me so
much about like what people deserve and
that you're never like you should never
be afraid to stand up for what's right
and you should never be afraid to speak
your truth and just like tell the truth
like if something happened like you're
just honest and like that's gotten you
know it's it's just helped me a lot
finding out how important it is to like
stand up for yourself and be honest and
not lie and all these wonderful things
and you're also just like you're just
like such a light like every time I know
that I get to see every time I know I'm
gonna get to see you like I know that it
was so real but I just like know things
will be okay like I'm never ever I just
I never you're just never somebody you
have to worry about like I've never like
always Gabi gonna be mad at me or like
oh is this gonna because like even in
the off chance that we did get in a
fight I'd be like hey this is what
happened you'd be like oh cool didn't
know okay like let's watch Rock of Love
it's like you're just you're never
somebody I have to worry about and
you're somebody that I always want to be
around and like when you're not there
it's very very apparent and I miss you
when you're not around and I love you I
feel like we really we're the most
yin-yang people like worse that we're
very similar yeah but just in terms of
like we balance each other out so much
big time offer each other so and that's
another thing we talked about this the
other day and
like in the same vein of like I will not
stand up for myself like all 100% work a
full day and not ask to but get paid
because I'm too nervous to do that
you'll be like um I read needs to get
where is like if we go to a restaurant
and you want chips you'll be too afraid
to ask for them and like I would love to
do that that was such a weird thing like
I have like really weird social anxiety
yeah where I just like I can't talk to
strangers it's really difficult for me
and one time I was trying to be really
brave and I was gonna go ask for the
chips and salsa and I was like I can do
it was like no I got this and then I got
literally shut down like I got up and
started walking and then I fell
backwards onto the chairs and know the
thing was somebody like you is you're so
kind and loving that people know that if
given the right opportunity they can
take advantage they can walk all over
you because you are the person who will
give a hundred percent of yourself to
somebody even when they're not giving
anything back so when I see that I get
like real feisty oh that's that's
another thing I love about you is I
don't think I've ever seen somebody like
love as hard as you do but I respond out
my water but like like you love your
friends to the [ __ ] end you love
hatin to the end like even people that
have like even if you know you've gone
through family stuff and whatever like
you still are there for them 5,000
percent and that's such a beautiful
quality that like not a lot of people
have to be like hey this person's [ __ ]
me over nine times
yeah I'll still listen and like be there
for them when they're going through it I
just I live by this understanding
because I remember being that person who
would be so aggressive and angry before
my own six years of therapy where I know
that when somebody's trying to hurt you
that they are hurt yeah so I don't try
to I don't want to ever contribute to
it's easy to go back and forth of people
and I think that a long time ago I would
have mm-hmm but at this point I'm just
in a point my life where it's like oh
you must be really [ __ ] hurt dude and
you must have a lot going on because I
know like I don't go out of my way to
like cause like pain or chaos or
destruction I like to thank ya so when I
see somebody else doing that I don't
want to add fuel to that fire because
there's already a fire in their heart
that needs to okay
[ __ ] without oh it I'm a writer I saw
this really beautiful picture that I
[ __ ] loved where was this line of
we should put insert a picture for video
pod there's this line of matches and the
first like five are burnt to a crisp
and then there's one removed from the
line and then the rests are fine and it
says like the power of stepping away and
it just shows like there's all this
chaos and destruction and then like just
that one little I'm not gonna contribute
to this I'm going to separate myself and
then everything else is fine wow that
yeah this [ __ ] chills know my sister
tagged it tagged me in it on Facebook I
love Facebook they should do another
question um oh people apparently no
matter how many times we talk about it
nobody who knows how we met or became
friends so Gabby was filming her music
video honestly and my boss at the time
choreographed for her and I was on set
getting behind-the-scenes footage and
you and I met there you know we met at
the meeting first oh yeah we met at the
meeting first but we like got closer on
the set of honestly yeah you were just
so dope on the set like you kept saying
you were so good what was it who gave
her permission just killing it so hard
like I'm a very strong believer in like
if you think something nice about
somebody like say about loud so say what
you mean yeah that's our met are there
any that aren't about us but I'm trying
to figure out I guess it would make
sense that people right now would be
asking about us because the people who
are seeing this question right now are
people who are here for us oh here we go
who are both of your favorite RuPaul's
Drag Glee's drag
Queens uh I don't want Jade go ahead I
already told you mine mine's a little
like cliche and I don't care who cares
Angela dude she's a queen she's amazing
I mean like I'll never ever not think of
the moment because I am what sickening
it's incredible that is the most
powerful moment on reality television it
is it is iconic it's very good um mine
is Trixie Mattel
you lie um I have a trick I can love
Trixie so much you will meet her someday
I know I can't wait gonna be on my show
um favorite Hamilton song mine satisfied
but I've also only know two songs I
really like obscure ones like guns and
chips because I'm such a theatrical
person and I love like the dramatics and
theatrics of things so like I love guns
and ships cuz I love when like laughing
it's like I'm thinking this horse by the
reins we could redcoats ready with blond
saints okay I love that and then the one
me not [ __ ] what's the one J Charles Lee
he's like Lee do you yield you shot him
in the side yes he yields that one I'm
[ __ ] obsessed with and then
Washington's like uh let it my name's
been through enough or something and
he's like don't do a thing let history
prove him wrong I got a whole like
conversational thing I'm just so into
them you know everybody is a musical of
people doing a musical but just by
memory is like oh you know what he's
talented yeah what's our favorite thing
to do together sit and talk yeah you
know it was one of my favorite
friendship moments of you where like I
felt so close to you we went to this
event and it was like kind of boring and
we just sat on the lawn and like talked
and it was like a kind of a you know who
cares like cares if we want or didn't
and on the way home I was like I was
kind of boring and you're like yeah but
like I got to sit and talk to you on the
lawn so like you know we could have done
on your couch and we did a lot of lanzi
somewhere else it was like damn that's
what friendship is because I think I'm
used to being in a position where I feel
like I need to
be like cool or funny or exciting and
like I'm always like I brought them to
this thing it was boring and just
hearing somebody be like I came for you
I didn't come for a cool event I came
for you I was like damn and now that's
like one of my favorite memories with
you is like sitting on that lawn just
like talking cuz it woke me up to what a
real friend is you know oh yeah I you
that's what you deserve because you're a
great friend you make me want to be a
better friend
it's dude just lost all of our
subscribers so everyone's like made this
ooh okay go to lazy day movies I'm not
that [ __ ] I'm that [ __ ] when I watch a
movie I watched it and I won't watch it
again for ten years that's crazy
yeah what's yours for me like a lazy day
movie as a movie I don't have to like
pay too much attention to so it is when
I've seen before so probably like Young
Frankenstein in our Blazing Saddles
mm-hmm I think when like I don't I I've
recently learned that I'm a workaholic
and I'm working on it that's another
thing with working out some work very
funny where I just realized like oh life
isn't about work and I just always felt
guilty taking a minute to like watch TV
like you would not catch me watching a
TV show the only time I would watch TV
is if I was like illustrating my book
and needed something in the background
like I would never just be like I want
to spend the day watching TV so I think
when I'm watching a movie it's like okay
I've been dying to see this movie sure
what is it yeah I feel like I only ever
hear you talk about movies if you saw it
in a theater yeah I don't really you
don't like throw on a movie no not
all right yeah you're working on it um
best piece of advice for a 19 year old
not knowing anything
you have no idea who you are it's like
if there's one thing you don't know it's
who you are and get ready to forgive
yourself in 10 years for everything
you're about cause you're gonna [ __ ]
suck for a minute that's a really good
one um I I would say just don't care as
much about stuff like Oh your partner
didn't come - it was late to dinner like
okay truly nothing matters yeah like
there's there there should be five to
ten things that are incredibly important
to you and matter a lot and if they get
[ __ ] with then that's an issue but a
lot of other stuff like there's so much
that can just be let go
yeah like oh oh I miss I missed the
meeting okay well fine like it's like
there's just so much [ __ ] that doesn't
definitely don't encourage people to
miss their media sure Cody
if something happens most of the time it
can be like chill des just like let it
go okay this best and worst gift ever
received but I feel like this is always
a very hard question because you have to
go through every [ __ ] gifts you've
ever given and/or gotten you go first
what just because I was just talking
about this yesterday I'll tell you the
worst gift I've ever given okay it was
to my horrible boyfriend that I had when
I was 23 years old and it was like our
one-year anniversary and I knew I was
gonna break up with him in like a couple
days but I was like I can't not give him
something yeah so so he had like a bunch
of remotes for his TV and so there was
like a TV one a stereo one an Apple
remote and like a bunch of stuff and
like he was always losing all of them
organize ur Bike Works I went to
Michael's and I got the store and I got
like a wooden box and I painted it and I
wrote four remotes again for what you
what's a wooden box it said for there's
the worst gift I've ever used
wow that's really good you know it's
funny Taylor recently I was at her she
had just moved to a new apartment
Hermosa and her screen door like it's
like this beach apartment and she has a
screen door that she had like this
little weird wire homemade makeshift
latch that you could like latch it to
this thing to keep it open and it was
like this it was kind of like a struggle
and kind of janky whatever and she was
unpacking and she pulled out this like
beanbag with like a handle that had a
bird on it basically is what it was and
she goes oh my god I can't believe I
haven't bothered to move this with me
like this is the worst gift I've ever
gotten my ex-boyfriend is so bad at
gifts this is a [ __ ] doorstop and she
was like this is the worst book she was
about to throw it away and then she goes
oh oh my god and then she would open the
door we had just had this conversation
about how it was so hard to keep the
door oh but it she was like oh my god
this actually like I'm a pretty epic
gift giver though you're a very holy
[ __ ] what is so cramped because what I
do is I have a notes in my phone for
everybody I know look at what it is
anyway know I've enlisted my phone for
everybody in my life and every time they
like mention something I'm like I gotta
make a note of that so then when it's
time for gifts I'm not trying to think
of a gift it's like oh I was like in the
store with Irene and she pointed this
out and now I know that that is
something that she likes it's a great
tip yeah it's a really good tip actually
because I that's why I'm an epic
gift-giving is that for people to bake
for oh nice yeah yeah like of things
they've said that every yeah yeah that's
a good one okay what is your go-to song
to play right now
evening I will not forget by Dermot
Kennedy uh this evening Gavin laughing
oh that one you sent me that's so
yeah that one's so good um mine is Oh
welcome to the family by Watsky it's so
good oh yeah hey you want to know how
[ __ ] Taipei I am yeah I don't even
like listen to music for enjoyment like
when I'm driving I need to put on music
I'm playing my demos because I'm like
making notes of like I need to do this
and this and some just like unwind man I
need to go on a vacation with you fun
yeah um oh do you and I have the same
taste in men
you love my man I don't know I I mean I
don't have like a particular type it's
changed over the years like I just like
like good funny I like a nice man I like
very manly man I don't even need that I
just need you to like my dating life got
so bad for a minute that my type was
just honest please don't lie to me not
even I you just be honest but I really
hit the jackpot online which is nice is
Gabby's knee better getting there oh
yeah how are we doing we're doing
[ __ ] great
we are you doing great I'm great I I
don't know if I could like feel better
okay I like went to bed like happiest
how like I was so happy last night that
I stayed up till 4:00 a.m. because I
didn't want to waste how happy I was
oh that's how [ __ ] happy I was and
then I woke up this morning I was like I
really don't want to be away it really
would be nice to go and I was grumpy and
now I'm happy
um do you believe in star signs is that
just like astrological stuff my ex was a
Gemini and now I do we I think it's
probably good yeah yeah it's really
answered quite a bit of the box of
thoughts you can ask us questions give
us your questions your thoughts advice
things you want to know things you just
want to unload let us know if you want
to be anonymous you can do all of that
on our socials which will be I guess
what are they still figuring it out sure
right now the YouTube channel is here's
the problem with the Twitter handle is
there's no way to abbreviate it to make
it not weird is it too long yeah so like
Bo T underscore pod is taken box of
thoughts HOH is the only thing you can't
say put the D because there's too many
letters so we're having a trouble
finding the the Twitter handle oh sure
for now go to the YouTube channel box of
thoughts it'll be linked from my again I
guess my channel would be the easiest
way to find it just yeah unless you can
find it box thoughts it's everywhere you
can get your podcast so like Apple
podcast Google Play stitcher Spotify
all those ones and then the socials be
in the
of that and then next time will be a
little bit more organized and have a
little bit more Oh leave a five-star
review and make it funny and we might
read it yeah hell yeah oh I can't wait
for everybody to battle out how funny
they are gonna be but we'll only read it
if it's 5 stars
I love that alright cool thank you guys
so much for listening to box of thoughts
I'm Gabi this is my co-host Irene we're
gonna be here every what we say Tuesday
oh yeah we're gonna here be here every
Tuesday cuz we're just gonna commit to
that right we're doing these days and
thanks for listening these are listening
but they don't have a sign-off right no
doesn't matter peace

What’s In The Box? Q&A

Who produced What’s In The Box?'s ?

What’s In The Box? was produced by Kast Media.

When did Gabbie Hanna release What’s In The Box??

Gabbie Hanna released What’s In The Box? on Tue Nov 26 2019.

What did Gabbie Hanna say about "What’s In The Box?"?

WELCOME to Box of Thoughts, my new weekly podcast where I force my friends to talk to me.

–Gabbie Hanna via YouTube

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