“The Star Wars” introduces the musical, and introduces the audience to the two things that they have to worry about – the Jellybeans and the Sif.
Hello! Welcome to The Star Wars! The Star Wars were a period of time when two stars had a war. It has absolutely nothing to do with this story. I am Yodel, Jellybean Grand Master
The Star Wars
Were a very big star war
Where a war happened between two stars
The Star Wars, they are
They are star wars
First we have our villains
The vile, dark Sif
Darth Bubonic is the leader of the Sif
Later we would find out
He was Emperor Palpating - the ruler of the galaxy
So that was pretty messed up
Then there are the good guys - The Jellybeans
They wield golden broomsticks
Or low-budget lightsabers
And that’s all there is
To this Star War
So sit down, turn off your phones
And enjoy the show
The Star Wars was written by Music Of The Internet.
It’s an introduction song.