St. Stephen and Herod (Child 22) by Francis James Child
St. Stephen and Herod (Child 22) by Francis James Child

St. Stephen and Herod (Child 22)

Francis James Child * Track #22 On The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

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Album The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

St. Stephen and Herod (Child 22) by Francis James Child

St. Stephen and Herod (Child 22) Annotated

Seynt Steuene was a clerk in kyng Herowdes halle,
And seruyd him of bred and cloþ, as euery kyng befalle
Steuyn out of kechone cam, wyth boris hed on honde;
He saw a sterre was fayr and bryȝt ouer Bedlem stonde.
He kyst adoun þe boris hed and went in to þe halle:
'I forsak þe, kyng Herowdes, and þi werkes alle;

'I forsak þe, kyng Herowdes, and þi werkes alle;
Þer is a chyld in Bedlem born is beter þan we alle.'‘

Quat eylyt the, Steuene? quat is the befalle?
Lakkyt the eyther mete or drynk in kyng Herowdes halle!’
kit me neyther mete ne drynk in kyng Herowdes halle;
RRther is a chyld in Bedlem born is beter than we alle.’
Quat eylyt the, Steuyn? art thu wod, or thu gynnyst to brede?
Lakkyt the eyther gold or fe, or ony ryche wede?’
‘Lakyt me neyther gold ne fe, ne non ryche wede;
RRther is a chyld in Bedlem born xal helpyn vs at our nede.’
‘RRthat is al so soth, Steuyn, al so soth, iwys,
As this capoun crowe xal that lyth here in myn dysh.’
RRthat word was not so sone seyd, that word in that halle,
THe capoun crew Cristus natus est! among the lordes alle.
Rysyt vp, myn turmentowres, be to and al be on,
And ledyt Steuyn out of this town, and stonyt hym wyth ston!’
Tokyn he Steuene, and stonyd hym in the way,
And therfore is his euyn on Crystes owyn day.

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