Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Stan Freberg
Rumplemeyer's Horseshoes
Are the best you can use
What so proudly he nailed
Onto all kinds of horses
Whose broad backs and bright eyes
As they smile in their stalls
Give proof through the night
That they wear Rumplemeyer's
Ask the horse who owns one
He'll say, "Son of a gun
Rumplemeyer's Horseshoes
Are, by me, number one"
That's Rumplemeyer's Horseshoes
Spelled R-U-M-P-L-E-Meyer's
Twenty-seven Chestnut Street
Ask for Harry or Dave