Punch the chest. Parry, heel, and elbow lock down…
Ready, one! Empty stance
Two! Knee lift
Three! Drop stance
Four! (Hah!)
Ready, one! Two! Three! Four! (Hah!)
一、二、三、go! (Hah!)
加油 (加油)
Hammer. Empty stance. (加油) (加油)
加油 Cameron! You can do it
Totally unexpected. It was a pleasure
Rikki was written by Ginger Root.
Rikki was produced by Ginger Root.
Ginger Root released Rikki on Fri Oct 23 2020.
In the Q&A session following the Online Album Release Show, Cameron describes the context of the sound clip which begins the track:
My parents made me do wushu when I was five, and I did it for, I think, ten years. I got all the way to being a black belt. The sound bit from the start of ‘Rikki’...