John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
John Wilbye
O what shall I do, or whither shall I turn me?
Shall I make unto her eyes? O no they'll burn me
Shall I seal up my eyes and speak my part?
Then in a flood of tears I drown my heart
For tears being stopped will swell for scope
Though they o'erflow love, life, and hope
By beauty's eye
I'll choose to die
At thy feet I fall
Fair creature rich in beauty
And for pity call
O kill not love and duty
Let thy smooth tongue fan on my sense thy breath
To stay thine eyes from burning me to death
But if mercy be exiled
From a thing so fair compiled
Then patiently
By thee I'll die
O what shall I do? was written by John Wilbye.