O what shall I do? by John Wilbye
O what shall I do? by John Wilbye

O what shall I do?

John Wilbye * Track #6 On The Second Set of Madrigals

O what shall I do? Lyrics

O what shall I do, or whither shall I turn me?
Shall I make unto her eyes? O no they'll burn me
Shall I seal up my eyes and speak my part?
Then in a flood of tears I drown my heart
For tears being stopped will swell for scope
Though they o'erflow love, life, and hope
By beauty's eye
I'll choose to die
At thy feet I fall
Fair creature rich in beauty
And for pity call
O kill not love and duty
Let thy smooth tongue fan on my sense thy breath
To stay thine eyes from burning me to death
But if mercy be exiled
From a thing so fair compiled
Then patiently
By thee I'll die

O what shall I do? Q&A

Who wrote O what shall I do?'s ?

O what shall I do? was written by John Wilbye.

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