Happy streams whose trembling fall by John Wilbye
Happy streams whose trembling fall by John Wilbye

Happy streams whose trembling fall

John Wilbye * Track #10 On The Second Set of Madrigals

Happy streams whose trembling fall Lyrics

Happy streams whose trembling fall
With still murmur softly gliding;
Happy birds, whose chirping call
With sweet melody delighting
Hath moved her flinty and relentless heart
To listen to your harmony
And sit securely in these Downs apart
Enchanted with your melody
Sing on and carol forth your glee
She grants you leave her rays to see
Happy, were I, could love but so delight her
But aye, alas, my Love doth still despite her

Happy streams whose trembling fall Q&A

Who wrote Happy streams whose trembling fall's ?

Happy streams whose trembling fall was written by John Wilbye.

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