Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists &
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
Swearing at Motorists
"Jesus is the reason for
The season" bumper stickers
In a Wal-Mart parking lot
Sunday afternoon
We had finished breakfast
And now we're heading to the movies
Smoke a joint out in the parking lot;
Skip the previews
You hate Robin Williams
As much as I love Robin Williams
So how about Gene Hackman
In the latest action film?
Or maybe Zorro