Lawyers at the end of the world
Playing tennis and acting like stars
Sinking mojitos in bars in a sinking world
The day before the West fell
Only the lawyers were left
Their Teslas were hogging the best
Long Island real estate left
At the end of the world
And the children sued the parents
As soon as they came of age
And the parents sued their children
And so they set the stage
For the pupils to sue teachers
The teachers to counter-sue
Everyone trumps everyone
In a horrible grudge feud
But lawyers at the end of the world
Are happy as pigs in a ditch
But they wonder why no-one is rich
Except them
Lovers sued lovers
Withdrawing consent retrospectively
And governments sued the governed
For voting incoherently
Gossip dossiers at music mags
Brought down the artists they'd raised
The artists turned to the libel laws
To make those journals pay
And lawyers at the end of the world
Were happy as pigs in a pen
But they wondered where everyone went
Except them