Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
Green Day
A really fast-paced song which is directly connected to the previous song in the album — “Brain Stew” — to the point the single / music video / live performances have both together.
This is because “Bain Stew” is wrriten about crashing back to reality / the “come down” after being high on methamphe...
[Verse 1]
Somebody keep my balance, I think I'm falling off
Into a state of regression
The expiration date rapidly coming up
It's leaving me behind to rank
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress, evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
[Verse 2]
I'm taking one step sideways, leading with my crutch
Got a fucked up equilibrium
Count down from 9 to 5, hooray, we're gonna die
Blessed into our distinction
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress, evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
[Instrumental Break]
Always move forward
Going straight will get you nowhere
There is no progress, evolution killed it all
I found my place in nowhere
In nowhere, in nowhere
Jaded was written by Mike Dirnt & Tré Cool & Billie Joe Armstrong.
Jaded was produced by Green Day & Rob Cavallo.