Sting & The Last Ship Ensemble & & Fred Applegate & Sally Ann Triplett & Collin Kelly-Sordelet & Jimmy Nail
Sting & The Last Ship Ensemble & Michael Esper
Dawn Cantwell, Rachel Tucker
Jimmy Nail, Craig Bennett, Sally Ann Triplett, Fred Applegate
Rachel Tucker & Rachel Tucker
Sting & Collin Kelly-Sordelet & Jamie Jackson & Michael Esper
Sting & Fred Applegate
Sting & Sally Ann Triplett
Sting & Aaron Lazar
Sting & Collin Kelly-Sordelet & Jimmy Nail
Sting & Aaron Lazar & Rachel Tucker & Michael Esper
Sting &
Sting & Collin Kelly-Sordelet & Michael Esper
Sting & Michael Esper & Fred Applegate
Sting & The Last Ship Ensemble & Michael Esper & Sally Ann Triplett
Rachel Tucker, Michael Esper & Michael Esper & Rachel Tucker
Sting & Jimmy Nail
Sting & Collin Kelly-Sordelet & Michael Esper
Sting & Jimmy Nail
Every night upon the deck I'd watch the turning of the stars
All those constellations hanging from the cables and the rigging
All reflected on the dark lagoon
I’d see your face upon the moon
And now I'm here in front of you, I wonder if you see me true
The little girl I used to be
Or the woman in this face
Like these stars we've travelled light years since we’ve stood upon this place
And they'd all strеtch out towards infinity
Getting further and further away
Mеg: (spoken)
You have to help me figure something out. There's a good man bought a plot of land looking over the river. A man I love. Who's good to me and Tom. And he asks me to marry him, and I don't say yes. Why is that?
Because you know you care for someone else
A boy who danced with me, made promises in the moonlight?
I love you, Meg
No, you love who I used to be. Arthur loves who I am
It's not the same moon in the sky
And these are different stars
And these are different constellations from the ones that you've described
Different rules of navigation
Strange coordinates and lines
A completely different zodiac
Of unfamiliar signs
It's not the same moon in the sky
Those planets are misleading
So I shouldn’t even try to take a bearing or a reading?
Just accept that things are different
There’s no choice but to comply
When smarter men have failed to see the logic as to why
It's not the same moon
It’s not the same moon
It's not the same moon in the sky
Goodbye Gideon
It’s Not the Same Moon (Broadway Version) was written by Sting.
It’s Not the Same Moon (Broadway Version) was produced by Rob Mathes.