Isaiah Velez
Isaiah Velez &
Isaiah Velez
Isaiah Velez & Emmanuel & Locke
Isaiah Velez & Yahveh
Isaiah Velez & & Marcus Jordan
Isaiah Velez &
Isaiah Velez
Isaiah Velez & D_K (King Doka)
Isaiah Velez
Isaiah Velez & & Locke
Isaiah Velez &
Isaiah Velez
"I mean, I– I understand what you mean by a switch in perspective, but like you can't act like you don't be walking around all depressed and sad. Like I've seen you, and I've had conversation with you, of– of the moments of your depression, and how we- you know, we went out and we talked about this stuff–"
"–Right, right! That's a fact!"
"That's true, you're right, you're right! I'm not– No, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I'm coming from like a "holier-than-though" place, like I don't get sad. There's definitely moments that I get sad, and I have to do something with it. I end up writing about it, but again, through the writing is when I find the switch in perspective. I don't just sit in it."
Interlude was written by Isaiah Velez.
Isaiah Velez released Interlude on Tue Oct 03 2017.