John Mundy
Ellis Gibbons
John Bennet
John Holmes
Thomas Tomkins
Michael Cavendish
Thomas Morley
John Farmer
John Wilbye
Thomas Hunt
Thomas Weelkes
John Milton the Elder
Ellis Gibbons
George Kirbye
Robert Jones
Thomas Morley
Edward Johnson (Composer)
Michael East
Hard by a crystal fountain
Oriana the Bright lay down asleeping
The birds they finely chirped, the winds were stilled;
Sweetly with these accenting the air was filled
This is that Fair, whose head a crown deserveth
Which Heav'n for her reserveth
Leave, shepherds, your lambs keeping
Upon the barren mountain
And nymphs attend on her and leave your bowers
For she the shepherd's life maintains and yours
Then sang the shepherds and nymphs of Diana:
Long live fair Oriana!
Hard by a crystal fountain was written by Thomas Morley.