“Cold Duck Time” is a 12-bar theme in F whose title refers not to refrigerated poultry, but to a popular brand of sparkling wine.
It shares the same funky rhythm as the previous track, “Compared to What”, because it was actually improvised as an encore. In the liner notes of the album’s 30th Annive...
Lyrics for this song have yet to be released
Cold Duck Time was written by Eddie Harris.
Cold Duck Time was produced by Joel Dorn & Nesuhi Ertegün.
I was playing with my eyes closed and I thought, ‘Wow, they are really diggin me.’ Then I opened my eyes and saw what the applause was really for – Ella [Fitzgerald] had just walked into the room. She was so gracious – she apologized to me right there and then!
– Benny Bailey, trumpet player, 1999 r...