Bare Cast
Jason Hite, Taylor Trensch
Gerard Canonico, Elizabeth Judd
Barrett Wilbert Weed &
Jason Hite, Taylor Trensch
Bare: The Musical & Elizabeth Judd & Barrett Wilbert Weed
Taylor Trensch, Alice Lee
Jason Hite, Elizabeth Judd
Jason Hite, Taylor Trensch
Jason Hite
Bare Cast
Taylor Trensch, Jason Hite, The Bare Ensemble
Elizabeth Judd & Jason Hite
Gerard Canonico, Taylor Trensch
Jason Hite, Taylor Trensch
Missi Pyle
Elizabeth Judd & Barrett Wilbert Weed
Jason Hite
Jerold E. Solomon, Jason Hite
Jason Hite, Taylor Trensch
Taylor Trensch & Taylor Trensch
Barrett Wilbert Reed, Taylor Trensch, Elizabeth Judd, Bare Ensemble & Gerard Canonico & Alice Lee & Casey Garvin & Michael Tacconi & Justin Gregory Lopez & Alex Wyse & Ariana Groover & Sara Kapner & Barrett Wilbert Weed & Jason Hite & Elizabeth Judd & & Taylor Trensch
Most words seem to fall empty, but I'll try
We make choices
When we feel like we don't have any
There's always a choice
We know, or we should know, that he's in a better place
But we'll always ask ourselves if there's something more that could've been done
That's natural
(Peter enters)
Oh, Peter. How are you?
Sad day for everyone
We're all feeling such a jumble of emotions
He went to you for guidance
You hid behind a screen
Knowing how much empathy might mean
You said to come to you
You told us if we shared
Lost in the teachings was a boy so all alone and scared
Father what we had was love
And that's what I find so odd
Our love was pure
And nothing else brought me closer to god
[PETER, spoken]
You asked me to let you know when I found clarity. There you go