13 Beaches by Lana Del Rey
13 Beaches by Lana Del Rey

13 Beaches

Lana Del Rey * Track #3 On Lust for Life

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13 Beaches by Lana Del Rey

Release Date
Fri Jul 21 2017
Performed by
Lana Del Rey
Produced by
Lana Del Rey & Dean Reid & Kieron Menzies & Rick Nowels
Writed by
Lana Del Rey & Rick Nowels

On “13 Beaches,” Lana sings about escaping the paparazzi of the beaches she visited during the summer of 2016. She juxtaposes this with lyrics about covering her emotions—hiding and not accepting the loves she feels for a man who hurts her in the same way that the media does. She wants to escape him...

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13 Beaches Lyrics

I don't belong in the world, that's what it is
Something separates me from other people
Everywhere I turn, there's something blocking my escape

[Verse 1]
It took thirteen beaches to find one empty
But finally, it's mine
With drippin' peaches, I'm camera-ready
Almost all the time

But I still get lonely and, baby, only then
Do I let myself recline
Can I let go, and let your memory dance
In the ballroom of my mind?
Across the county line

It hurts to love you, but I still love you
It's just the way I feel
And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin'
The fact that I can't deal
And that I've been dyin' for somethin' real
That I've been dyin' for somethin' real

[Verse 2]
It took thirteen beaches to find one empty
But finally, I'm fine
Past Ventura and lenses plenty
In the white sunshine

But you still can find me, if you ask nicely
Underneath the pines
With the daisies, feelin' hazy
In the ballroom of my mind
Across the county line

It hurts to love you, but I still love you
It's just the way I feel
And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin'
The fact that I can't deal
And that I've been dyin' for somethin' real
That I've been dyin' for somethin' real

It hurts to love you, but I still love you
It's just the way I feel
And I'd be lyin' if I kept hidin'
The fact that I can't deal
The fact that I can't deal

13 Beaches Q&A

Who wrote 13 Beaches's ?

13 Beaches was written by Lana Del Rey & Rick Nowels.

Who produced 13 Beaches's ?

13 Beaches was produced by Lana Del Rey & Dean Reid & Kieron Menzies & Rick Nowels.

When did Lana Del Rey release 13 Beaches?

Lana Del Rey released 13 Beaches on Fri Jul 21 2017.

What did Lana Del Rey say about "13 Beaches"?

I wrote the song ‘13 Beaches’ to tell how last summer I had to search thirteen beaches before finding one without the paparazzi, where I could sit and read a book… But we get used to it. Maybe the game is worth the candle.

Lana — Paris Match

Plus she said in an interview with Tania Schlanger from...

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