Neil Cicierega
Neil Cicierega
Neil Cicierega
Neil Cicierega
Potter Puppet Pals
Neil Cicierega
Neil Cicierega
Neil Cicierega
Potter Puppet Pals
Neil Cicierega & & &
Skit 1 is the first track on the Potter Puppet Pals EP. It isn’t a song, it’s just Harry and Ron talking.
Harry Potter: Hello wizarding fans! It’s me, Harry Potter!
This is an EP of Potter Puppet Pals music for you because you donated to the Harry Potter Alliance's Equality For The Win campaign! Go you!
”But Harry”, I hear you saying, ”That was last year. Why did this EP take so long? What gives, Harry Potter?”
Oh, excuse me, I was just a little bit busy fighting the dark Lord! I was merely saving the wizard universe from he who must not have a nose! So, like, give me a break.
Ron Weasley: Hi, Harry! What are you yelling at?
Harry Potter: Hey, Ron! Oh, just my fans.
Ron Weaslеy: Ooh, fun. Hey, do you want to go get some awеsome wizard candy and maybe sing a song about it?
Harry Potter: Oh my God, yes.