May your pen grace the page at the same pace as your brain
May your grey matter
From now on
No longer be grey
May you mean every word that you say
And may writing your lines
Be the way that you pray
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Ignoring your calling and calling you ‘boring’
Is boring
You need to be touring
What are you doing - you’re basically stewing
No space for day dreaming
No place for that feeling
No place for pacing the building or facing the ceiling
There’s no way that it is dealing
Your brain it is stealing
And there will be no change to you
And there’ll never be any change to that ceiling
I’m basically feeling that art isn’t hard
What's hard is your heart
And it starts in the past, but the past’s in the past
So love who you are
Pass a rush of blood till your arteries blast
And let the blood rush to your arm and let your artistry start
May your pen express upon the page every feeling you’re in
May your white page – Yang
Love your black pen – Yin
May the ball in your ball point roll ‘cause that’s the point of the ball
And if we can’t make our points then what’s the point of it all?
May the lead in your lead-pencil lead you astray
We spell it L-E-A-D ‘cause we’ve made leaders this way
And I know it’s hard but easy to say
But I mean what I say
When I say: “Mean what you say”
Potentially my pencil be the deftest thing you’ve ever seen
Adept at expressing everything that you’ve never seen
Especially when you question me
My pencil, man, she gets to me
She comes to me and comforts me and takes me out to lunch
You see
We have a cup of coffee
Before I know it she’s on top of me
She rocking and she’s rolling me
We’re touching uncontrollably
She likes to switch the roles on me
I'm writing with her
But she is writing with me
It's my life as I desire to be
It’s only right that she’s my wife 2B
She takes me to her bed of white
We try it in the dead of night
Pages till we get it right
We make love between the sheets
May your pen grace the page at the same pace as your brain
May your grey matter
From now on
No longer be grey
May you mean every word that you say
And may writing your lines be the way that you pray