“Socially Distant” is the first Canadian Softball song since their full-length Awkward & Depressed from 2017, featured on the split EP COSPLIT-19 together with another one of Jarrod Alonge’s parody bands, Chewed Up.
Lyrically it seems to be from the perspective of an entitled person in quaranti...
[Verse 1]
Today is Friday, or is it Thursday?
Nevermind, it's actually a Monday
I’m getting lonely, so lonely
Losing my head, do you even miss me?
When will it end?
I need a haircut, it's been two whole months, I'm bored as hell
And I can’t believe the distance between you and me
I know it's wrong, but the grass is green
When can we break quarantine?
Please God!
All I want is antibodies!
[Verse 2]
Finished Tiger King in one sitting, I won't recover financially
If I can't work remotely, how am I to make money?
You're trying to protect your grandma, but she'll die soon anyway
And I miss going to shows and parties and stuff
I'm bored! When will it end? Because I really...
Need a haircut, it's been two whole months, I’m bored as hell
And I can’t believe the distance between you and me
I know it's wrong, but the grass is green
When can we break quarantine?
[Bridge: Jarrod Alonge, Jarrod Alonge & Rachel Alonge]
Come over to my house, I sanitized
I know it’s wrong, but pretty please, will you just break quarantine?
We're on a Zoom call, greenscreen the backwall
Your Dodo code is not working at all
We're on a Zoom call, greenscreen the backwall
Your Dodo code is not working at all
You didn't close your NookPhone
I need a haircut, has it really been two months? I’m bored as hell
And I can't believe the distance between you and me
I know it's wrong, but the grass is green
When can we break quarantine?
Come over to my house, I sanitized
I know it's wrong, but I do believe the world revolves around me
Socially Distant was written by Jarrod Alonge.
Canadian Softball released Socially Distant on Fri May 22 2020.