3 fans speaking to “Urthy” overlap. One recommends a stylistic change, while another recommends he work to replicate the sound of other people/artists. With the last voice simply trying to gain his attention to no avail, this is seemingly symbolic, with Urthboy inferring that he has no time for crit...
Urthboy why you gotta talk all this politics and bullshit man. Why can't you be like the old school you know. Back in the day. [?] take it back man, take it back
What are you Urthy? I don't get you mate. Why can't you be a little bit more like [?], a little bit of Chopper Read. Man, Hilltop Hoods mixed with Bliss n Eso, man. [?] you'd be better if you sounded like [?]
Sup Urthy! Urthy. Hey, hey Urthy. [?]